Yes this is their way of making sure ISRAEL and none other than ISRAEL should be rendered Nukenrein ASAP. Progressive!
A Vatican official called for the establishment of a "nuclear-free zone" in the Middle East and urged all countries to work toward total the elimination of their nuclear arsenals. Archbishop Dominique Mamberti, the Vatican's foreign affairs minister, released a statement Sept. 24 outlining the Vatican stance on nuclear disarmament. The U.N. Security Council held a summit the same day to discuss nuclear disarmament and nuclear nonproliferation.Abasshole to tour Yemen, Syria and Italy
"Nuclear-weapons-free zones are the best example of trust, confidence and affirmation that peace and security are possible without nuclear weapons," said Archbishop Mamberti. He strongly encouraged all countries with nuclear capabilities to adopt all the protocols of nuclear-free treaties and to "establish such a zone in the Middle East." Under the treaties, nations agree to ban the development and use of nuclear weapons in a set location. The United States has not signed such a treaty. It has, however, signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which aims at limiting the spread of nuclear weapons.
The Security Council summit adopted a resolution to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, calling for tighter controls on nuclear materials and encouraging the enforcement of international treaties dealing with nuclear nonproliferation. Archbishop Mamberti said that responding to the modern world's need for safety and security "demands courageous leadership in reducing nuclear arsenals to zero."
He said the adoption of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty is of "highest importance," adding that the universal banning of explosions of nuclear components in the testing phase "would inhibit the development of nuclear weapons, contributing to nuclear disarmament." Praising the summit initiative, the archbishop urged the Security Council to take further steps to "become a valid advocate in the cause of reaching a world free from nuclear weapons." He also urged nations around the world to follow the example of the Security Council by adopting clear and firm decisions aimed at a "progressive and concerted nuclear disarmament."
Italy? Will he be seeing the Pope? Again?
Abbas leaves Sunday for Yemen where he will meet President Ali Abdullah Saleh to discuss international and Arab efforts to advance the peace process, said spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina.On Monday, Abbas is to travel to Syria and then to Rome, Abu Rudeina said.US Not Seeking Disclosure of Israeli Nuclear Arsenal
We do not have to... will leave this to the UN, the Vatican, the OIC, the Arab League, the Iranians and every other shrieking entity on Glow Ball, this way there is plausible deniability for the USA, and Israel gets properly pressured to disclose & disarm anyway. So they think.
Israeli diplomat held in Russia
Breathing While Juden! Unlawful Activity!
An Israeli diplomat has left his post in Russia after being accused of "unlawful activities", reports say. Shmuel Polishuk, the first secretary of Israel's Moscow embassy, was reportedly detained in the city last week. Russian intelligence agents questioned him on suspicion of spying, Israel's Maariv newspaper reported. "Shmuel Polishuk was caught red-handed in Moscow," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency. "He has already left for home."Al Jazeera: Clashes as Israel shuts off al-Aqsa
Jamia Millia to celebrate Jerusalem as cultural capital of Arab World
New Delhi: Jamia Millia Islamia is going to celebrate the cultural centrality of the city of Jerusalem in the Arab World in the first week of October. The Outreach Programme, JMI in collaboration with India Arab Culture Centre of the same university is celebrating “Jerusalem: Cultural Capital of the Arab World 2009” from 5-7 October in M.A. Ansari Auditorium located in its campus.Mashaal: We will kidnap more soldiers
The programme shall be inaugurated by Mr. Najeeb Jung, Vice Chancellor of the university, on 5th October.. The three-day programme will feature a book exhibition, screening of Films on Palestine (The Siege: The Last Days of the President Arafat & Lemon Tree) and cultural performances by Palestinian and Indian troupes and Egyptian troupe.
BTW? I still do not believe he is alive.
Hours after Israel released 19 female Palestinian prisoners in exchange for a video proving captive IDF soldier GiladFatah, Hamas to sign reconciliation agreement Oct. 22 in CairoSchalit was alive, Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal on Friday night threatened to capture more Israeli soldiers in order to win the release of all Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli prisons.
PM now says PA has not dropped its demand for a settlement freeze
Prime Minister Salam Fayyad's Two-Year Path to Palestinian Statehood
- In August 2009, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad announced a unilateral plan to establish a de facto Palestinian state in the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem following a two-year state-building process. Fayyad's plan is the first serious Palestinian outline of a state-building effort since the PLO was founded in 1964 and replaces the traditional PLO position of armed struggle to "liberate Palestine."
- The Fayyad plan represents a bold anti-Fatah posture and is seen to pose a direct challenge to Fatah and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas. Fayyad enjoys only limited political backing and his political rivals, such as Tawfiq Tirawi, Abu Maher Gneim, and Mahmud al-Alul, who were recently elected to the new Fatah Central Committee, have already blasted Fayyad's plans.
The Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) has supported a decision to defer a vote on the UN-sanctioned report on the Gaza war until next March, Al Jazeera has learned.Puppets preach hate on Hamas TV
A Palestinian children's program is using a bear puppet that talks about "slaughtering" Jews, according to the Israeli watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch. The character on Hamas TV is the latest in a series of puppets and cartoons used by the weekly show Tomorrow's Pioneers to promote anti-Semitism and incite violence, said media watch director Itamar Marcus.

During a hearing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, FBI Director Robert Mueller was asked if members of al-Shabaab, which translates as "mujahideen youth," would send American recruits back to the U.S. to launch attacks."I would think that we have seen some information that the leaders would like to undertake operations outside of Somalia," Mueller told the Senate Homeland Security Committee.Mueller said he is "absolutely" concerned that Americans who traveled to Somalia to train as terrorists would have U.S. legal status and would therefore be able to return to the United States and carry out attacks.Al-Qaida Linked Group Gains Control of Somali Port City
Al-Shabab militants in Somalia have claimed control of the country's southern port town of Kismayo, one day after deadly fighting with a rival Islamist group. But the city remains tense amid reports that factions of the rival group, Hizbul Islam, are preparing to launch a counter offensive.Somalia: Al-Shabab martyrs imposes new rules in Mogadishu
Somali Government Claims Al-Shabab Executed Innocent Men
Methods of establishing Khilafah [caliphate]
The West has made it clear that it doesn’t like that idea and would not tolerate it, Muslim groups have backed off completely from any talk of Caliphate while others toned it down, only a few remained steadfast in their call to establish the Islamic system again.OIC HEAD:EUROPEAN COUNTRIES BEHAVE MORE RESPONSIBILY
The proposed methods that Islamic groups presented for re-establishing al Caliphate are:
Through tarbiyyah and then somehow when our condition changes the Caliphate will be re-established again. While others say we will do tarbiyyah until the ummah is ready and then we will fight the enemies of Allah.By reaching to power through participating in the democratic system.
The HT method of raising the awareness of the ummah of the importance of Caliphate, educating the Muslims on politics, and searching for nusrah. Fighting in path of Allah in order to establish the religion of Allah. Let us analyze which way is more effective and works how?
The head of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) said on Thursday that European countries were behaving more responsibly about Islamophobia. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the secretary general of the OIC, said that some European countries had taken lessons from the cartoon crisis of 2005. "Some European countries are behaving more responsibly today than those days," he said during a meeting at the think-tank Rumi Forum in Washington D.C. Also, Ihsanoglu said Obama administration would appoint a representative to the OIC. Ihsanoglu said the organization was planning to open offices in Brussels, Baghdad and Somalia.Syria hardly to become tool for US to pressure on Iran
This is not even remotely why they are engaging them, it is merely the pretext.
Iraqis Claim Foreign Pressure Preventing Syria Probe
I am certain it is true.
Iraqi PM Al-Alousi Denounces Saudi Arabia, Syria
Yah, it's a democracy now. Like the Congo.
In an interview with Al-Fayha TV in Baghdad yesterday, Iraqi MP Mithal Al-Alousi, head of the Nation Party, strongly denounced Saudi Arabia and Syria for issuing fatwas to kill Iraqis and to provide terrorists with money and facilitate their entry into Iraq. He said that Saudi Arabia had declared war on the Iraqi people, and belittled the kingdom named after one person. Who are they, he thundered, to challenge a country like Iraq with a history of culture, glory, pride and now democracy.Syria seen regaining its influence in Lebanon
Just what Lebanon needs, more Islamists and ancient Nazis.
Turkey, Syria's new best friend
Zardari assures precincts on misuse of blasphemy law
Yes we condole you. Now pay the fucking jizya or it's your head, crusader dogs.
ROME: President Asif Ali Zardari Wednesday said that the democratic government in Pakistan was deeply conscious of the misuse of blasphemy law in the country by extremist elements and vested interests and would not permit misuse of the law under any pretext. He said this while talking to the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi during a call on him in the Prime Minister Secretariat in Rome in which the recent acts of violence against the Christian minorities in some towns also figured. Briefing the newsmen later, spokesperson to the President and former Senator Farhatullah Babar said that the President reiterated Pakistan government’s commitment that those misusing the blasphemy law are brought to justice. The President said that he had personally ordered the federal minister for Minorities Affairs Shahbaz Bhatti to visit the affected villages to convey his condolences and sympathy to the victims’ families and to supervise the relief measures for the rehabilitation of the victim families.Excerpts: Galbraith's Letter to UN Secretary General
The following are excerpts of the Sept. 28 letter from Peter W. Galbraith, deputy special representative of the U.N. secretary general at the U.N. mission in Afghanistan, to Ban Ki-Moon, the U.N. secretary general in New York:VIDEO: Statement at Afghanistan Hearing
Whole lotta dickin' goin' on.
US Senator Dick Lugar made this opening statement at the Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Afghanistans impact on Pakistan.J Effin Kay sez: Passage Of LUGAR / KERRY Bill Demonstrates US Commitment To Pakistan
Triple the JIZYA, MFers!
Zelaya’s Chief Propagandist Endorses Hitler and the Holocaust
Dude should go bowling with Dickie Dawkins....
Not long after ousted wannabe Marxist dictator Manuel Zelaya issued a bizarre rant about Israelis attacking him with high frequency radiation and toxic gases, his chief propagandist, David Romero Ellner, who heads up Honduras’ Radio Globo went on the air to suggest that Hitler had been right and that it was unfortunate that he had not gotten the chance to finish off the Holocaust.

Obama: Iran Must Give Inspectors Complete Access To Nuclear Plant
IAEA says nuke chief named Mohammed to visit Iran soon
For some tea and scones and to inspect his accommodations and chat about how lovely dead Jews really are.
Iran has disclosed all nuclear sites - minister
Iran to use other countries for enrichment
Obama praises constructive Iran talks
Sure it was constructive Iran just bought even more time
Deal buys Iran time to obscure activities at nuclear plant
As I was saying......
Iran Is Open to Sending Uranium Abroad for Processing, Officials Say
Iran agrees to ship enriched uranium to Russia for refinement
Russia willing to enrich uranium for Tehran's research reactor
Russia's Lavrov says cautiously optimistic on Iran
Taqqiyaski Deluxe!
Iran Diplomacy Shifts to UN Watchdog
Q+A: What's behind Geneva agreement on Iran's enriched uranium?
Iran has agreed 'in principle' to a deal that would move most of its enriched uranium out of the country. Western officials say this would ease tensions in the Middle East caused by fears Tehran wants a nuclear weapon. The agreement was announced by European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana after a meeting in Geneva of senior officials from the United States, Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia with Iran's chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili. Following are details about what Iran has agreed to based on comments on from Western officials after the Geneva talks. Iranian officials have not yet provided in-depth commentary on the deal, nor have they confirmed that they are definitely prepared to go through with it.How a nice Jewish girl met Iranian madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Yah and Hitler was kind to dogs and little Lebensborn babies too. SO?
I expected Ahmadinejad to be an aggressive man, a kind of inhuman character. Yet I saw a smiling, funny and almost friendly man sharing stories about his newborn granddaughter. It was hard to believe that this was the same individual who calls for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.UN's Afghan vote fraud row shows split in West
The top 15 terrorist groups in Afghanistan
The US Accepts Karzai, for Better or Worse
Accept him? We fucking installed him.

Summary: Round Eye Going Down! Take that, Gwylo!
China's Next Stage: Spreading the Wealth
Stupid Gwylo , all your wealth are belong to us.
China set to become the world's third-largest market for natural gas
Sinopec Warned on Oil Contracts by Iraq Ministry
Iraq bans Chinese firm from oil and gas auctions
BP Gives CNPC Bigger Rumaila Oil Field Stake
Cnooc in Talks to Join $5 Billion Uganda Oil Project, Dow Says
China fund buys $949M stake in Kazakh oil producer
Nigeria and China's oil deal still sooper sekrit
Devon says Chinese among those eyeing US Gulf JV
Medvedev, Putin congratulate China on anniversary

Hey! Just like on all the cool kid's blogs!
Russia's ARMZ in talks with Cameco on uranium mining
Khaki-clad Chechen leader says kills 8 rebels
Kremlin-backed Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, dressed in combat fatigues, declared he would track down and destroy rebels...US Warns Europe of Russian Energy Threat
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You capitalist pig post Ameerkan yankees are some seriously slow spuds.
~ Vlad
Gazprom Launches North American Gas Trading Business
Gazprom Marketing & Trading USA Launches North American Ops
Ketchum, on behalf of Gazprom Marketing & Trading USA:Floatin' Powa News Service ~Aug 04, 2009
Paul Cohen, +1-646-935-3934
The most lucrative contract to date was between the Russian government and Ketchum Inc. (N.Y) via its parent company Ketchum Limited in the U.K., to provide "communications support" for the Russian government during the 2006 G8 summit ...
Russia, for instance, recently paid nearly $3 million to Ketchum for a six-month media blitz to promote the country's leaders and policies.
Vlad double dong dares you....
Gazprom, Shell JV Gets $1.4 Billion Credit Line
Russia Sept oil output hits record 10 million bpd
Russia gold output up 18.5 pct in Jan-Aug-lobby
Russian Journalist In Hiding After Soviet Critique
After shooting outside Washington, victim questions why Russia angle dismissed by cops
That night, he was returning home from the International Spy Museum, of all places. He had been meeting with, of all people, an old friend who once was a top officer in the KGB.Pentagon Officials Say Missile Defense Shift 'Not About Russia'
So that means it's about RAYTHEON?

Afghan insurgency seen spilling into Central Asia
Jehovah's Witnesses jailed in Turkmenistan
Yeah OK I don't like them either but COME ON!
Turkmenistan keeps Russia at bay
Turkmenistan to open gas pipeline to China
Ukrainians to halt Turkmenistan gas imports until 2015
Lukoil threatens to shut Ukraine refinery
Turkmens, Azerbaijan to talk on Caspian border
Determining Caspian Sea legal regime not possible without Iran: Russia
Kazakhstan: The first clown in space
Circus tycoon clowns around aboard space station
Glorious Kazakhstan sending clowns into space! I got a whole bunch more for yez. Blast em off!
Cirque founder's space trip called 'poetic social mission'
Oh freakin' please.
New post-Soviet force begins military exercises
Kyrgyzstan takes part in CRDF drill in Kazakhstan
Kyrgyzstan announces autumn army call-up
Heat is on to mine Kyrgyzstan's uranium
Remains In Kyrgyzstan Said To Be Of Missing Deputy
FACTBOX: Uzbek militant leader killed in Pakistan

Libya appoints new oil chief
World Bank could run out of money 'within 12 months'
Fire up the printing press!
The World Bank is close to running out of money, its president, Robert Zoellick, has disclosed.IMF Forecasts Deeper Contractions in Russia and CIS This Year
Contractions you say?
All these are the beginning of birth pains.
~ Matthew 24:8
The International Framework for Modernizing Financial Regulation
Glow Ball control of your money & your soul
Bernanke, in Nod to Critics, Suggests Board of Regulators
WTF is so regular about it?
Bernanke Tells House Panel Mega Insurers Need US Oversight
Fed chief says central bank has right skills to oversee consumer protection
OO mad skilz deluxe tooty toot I am certain
Monetary tightening to start next year — Goldman Sachs
Monetary tightening - so that's what you call it now
Goldman Sachs Hires 11 Private Bankers, Fund Managers in Brazil
Gold Man Carnivale!
Madoff Investor Chais Seeks Access to Goldman Sachs Account
Chais Transferred Money After Madoff's Arrest, Trustee Claims
Czar Paulson Sought Goldman-Wachovia Merger
Conflict of interest? Unheard of! Absurd!
Former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urged Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wachovia Corp. to merge last year and was blocked by concern that his old job as head of the investment bank created a conflict of interest, author Andrew Ross Sorkin wrote in Vanity Fair magazine.Goldman Sachs: Sept. NFP To Show 250,000 Jobs Lost
Goldman Sachs Changes US Jobs Forecast to Show Larger Cuts
US needs more foreign workers for highly technical jobs
Is that right..? BRICs Akbaroonah
Make Me: The State Of US Manufacturing
... US share of world manufacturing is roughly the same as the combined total of the BRICs (Brazil, India and Russia account for a combined 11-12% share). ...
Applegarth to advise US private equity group
Special prosecutor raids accounting firms in Iceland
Iceland police raid KPMG, PwC offices in Reykjavik
Iceland minister resigns over failed Internet bank
Iceland exposed: How a whole nation went down the toilet
Mortgage Strike Planned in Iceland To Protest Economic Crisis
Japan's ex-finance minister Nakagawa found dead

Officials Outline Terrorist Threat to United States
Guard prepared to help state in emergencies
Halt to gov't raids not an option to boost census
With the census six months away, the Commerce Department says it won't seek to halt immigration raids as a way to boost participation in hard-to-count communities.In a statement Thursday, the department said it is committed to an accurate count of U.S. residents, including both legal and illegal immigrants. But spokesman Nick Kimball says officials will not ask the Homeland Security Department to refrain from exercising their "legal authority" to conduct large-scale immigration raids. That position is a departure from the one taken in the 2000 census, when immigration officials at the request of the Census Bureau informally agreed not to conduct raids. The bureau two years ago asked DHS to hold off again in 2010, but that was rejected by the Bush administration.US Homeland Security Wants Cybersecurity Pros
DHS to add 1,000 cybersecurity jobs
DHS to Create New Office to Support Intelligence Fusion Centers
Even more levels of bureaucracy. The importance of keeping thing vague.
SAIC Awarded Blanket Purchase Agreement to Support US EPA
DHS Awards Grant for Development of DNA Identification Solution
The Department of Homeland Security has awarded Parabon NanoLabs a grant to design a portable, low-cost kit the company says will be able to quickly verify a person's identity and kinship using DNA.Interagency office put in charge of DoD/VA lifetime e-record project
Raytheon to supply Air Force with ID Friend or Foe equipmentTop leadership at the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments have assigned broad responsibilities for development of a lifetime electronic health and benefit record for military personnel and veterans to a relatively new interagency program office that lacks a director, according to an internal document obtained by Nextgov.
The new charter for the Defense/VA Interagency Program Office, formed in 2007 to shepherd development of interoperable health record systems, is "broad and breathtaking in scope," said Harold Gracey, who was VA chief of staff from 1994 to 1998 and now is with Vienna, Va.-based Topside Consulting.
In April, President Obama, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and VA Secretary Eric Shinseki announced plans to develop a Joint Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record, and the charter for the interagency program office details how that goal will be met. The charter, signed on Sept. 24 by VA Deputy Secretary W. Scott Gould and on July 17 by Deputy Defense Secretary William Lynn, expands the scope of the Interagency Program Office to include the sharing of electronic personnel and benefits records between the two departments.
Raytheon Co. reports it has landed up to $100 million from the U.S. Air Force to improve secure combat identification.Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories
Under the five-year agreement, Raytheon will provide up to 8,000 KIV-77 applique crypto computers for Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) equipment. The systems help soldiers distinguish between friendly and enemy forces in the field, according to Raytheon.
Last week, Waltham-based Raytheon (NYSE: RTN) was recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for meeting specific greenhouse gas emission-reduction goals under the agency’s Climate Leaders program. Raytheon had pledged to reduce emissions from its U.S. operations by 33 percent from 2002 through this year. The company exceeded its goal, cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 38 percent a year ahead of schedule. The reductions equate to the emissions from electricity consumed by 36,400 homes in a year. Raytheon has now set a second goal to cut emissions by 10 percent from 2008 through 2015.
Last month, Raytheon landed $19.3 million from the U.S. Navy for torpedo hardware. Under the contract, Raytheon will provide the Navy with 241 MK54 lightweight torpedo kits, 100 of which will go to the Turkish Navy under a Foreign Military Sales agreement.
Raytheon employs 73,000 people and reported a 2008 net income of $1.7 billion on revenue of $23.2 billion.
....Obama's Deputy Defense Secretary, William (RAYTHEON!) Lynn, is just as tainted. The former Raytheon vice president and company lobbyist got Senator Charles Grassley to object over his "very questionable accounting practices" as Pentagon Comptroller during the Clinton years.Lynn Calls for Collaboration in Establishing Cyber Security
Obama's Undersecretary of Defense, Robert Hale, served as Assistant Air Force Secretary Financial Comptroller under Clinton, and according to author Andrew Hughes, he and Lynn "lost enough taxpayer money to pay for Obama's stimulus plan four times over."
They now again oversee DOD spending. The list goes on and includes National Intelligence chief, Admiral Dennis Blair, who backed Indonesia's terror, mass-killing, and occupation of East Timor in 1998. General James Jones is a Trilateralist and former NATO commander. Obama's entire national security team is composed of recycled appointees very much committed to continued imperial wars and outlandish amounts of military spending for them. ...
WASHINGTON, Oct. 1, 2009 - Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn said the department's culture regarding cyber security issues must change, ...

Former Darpa director Tony Tether is joining a Washington-area lobbying firm best known for its influence on Capitol Hill. But Tether — who served for more than seven years as the head of the Pentagon’s premiere research arm — says he won’t be doing any lobbying in his new role.The World Wearies of the Narcissist-in-Chief“I won’t be going to the Hill or otherwise,” he tells Danger Room. Instead, Tether says he’ll serve as a part-time technical consultant and “strategic advisor” for the influencers at The Livingston Group.
Earlier in September, Tether joined an advisory panel of Scientific Systems Company, Inc., which works on robotics projects for the Pentagon. In June, he joined the board of Aurora Flight Sciences, Inc., developers of military unmanned aircraft.
The company was founded by Republican Congressman Bob Livingston in 1999, after he stepped down as Speaker-elect of the House following his admission of marital infidelity. Today, the company “has an extensive network of over 60 principals and consultants” and “over 50 domestic and international clients,” the firm’s website notes. Those clients include defense contractors like Northrop Grumman, CACI International, Raytheon, and Accenture, according to SourceWatch. The Republic of Turkey, the Cayman Islands, and the Council for a Democratic Iran have also enlisted The Livingston Group’s services.
I Me Mine.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle are becoming perturbed about the president’s “I - ME” fixation - the manifest hubris of Obama. His opening line at the UN speech was “The world has great expectations of ME…” as though the force of his charisma is enough to tame maniacal despots - that his words are all we need – never mind that they are pure perfidy.All Should Know What John Honey Knows About ACORN's History and Money
IRS Whistleblower Claims Quadruple on Informant Reward Program
Rat Bastids. The mark of the squealer upon them!
Washington University apologizes for abortion blunder
Washington University in St. Louis has apologized to Saint Louis University after implying that it was a partner in a medical program involving contraception and family planning.Jeff Fowler, spokesman for Saint Louis University, says that the Roman Catholic institution has never heard of, nor had any role in, the Family Planning Fellowship at Washington University.An SOS for Science
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that the fellowship's Web site had said that the two universities were collaborating with Planned Parenthood to develop specialists for "research, teaching and clinical practice in contraception and abortion."The language was removed this week.Washington University confirmed that Saint Louis University had no role in the fellowship. It did not explain how Saint Louis University was included in the fellowship material.
Newsweek shills for the fucking looniest Czar of them all. But we are the toothless autistic cephalically inferior redneck morons. Okeedokee then.
Support Drops in US for Abortion Rights, Poll ShowsTwo weeks ago I spent time with some of the top scientists in the field of alternative energy, including John Holdren, the director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, a.k.a. our national "science czar." We were attending a conference in Washington, D.C., that drew CEOs of Fortune 100 companies, as well as entrepreneurs and investors. I came away convinced that the United States, which for decades has been the world leader in science and technology, will soon be eclipsed by China and other countries. Alternative energy is the next tidal wave in tech innovation. If we miss it, we will not only weaken our economy and harm our national security—we will turn ourselves into a second-rate nation. And as I sat there listening to the experts speak, all I could think was, we're doomed. (Click here to follow Daniel Lyons)
It's not because our scientists aren't brilliant. They are. But look at what they're up against: a noisy babble of morons and Luddites, the "Drill, baby, drill" crowd, the birthers, and tea-party kooks who have done their best to derail health-care reform and will do the same to any kind of energy policy. Holdren has an undergraduate degree from MIT and a Ph.D. from Stanford; he has won countless awards for his work on nuclear proliferation, climate change, alternative energy, and population growth. But now he must sell his ideas to people who couldn't pass high-school algebra—and who believe they know more than he does.
Incompetence Ruling in Killing of Abortion Protester
Yet another story no one is covering. Where are all the cries of Domestic Terrorism! from the usual suspects? Oh. Right. So anyway...MFer is INCOMPENTENT to stand trial now too. OK.
The man charged with killing an abortion protester in early September in Owosso, Mich., and another man the same day has been deemed incompetent to stand trial, prosecutors said. The man, Harlan J. Drake, is charged with killing James Pouillon, 63, on Sept. 11, shooting him as Mr. Pouillon stood near Owosso High School holding a sign protesting abortion.
In an unrelated shooting on the same day, Mr. Drake is charged with killing Mike Fuoss, 61, the owner of a local gravel company. On Wednesday, the judge in the case ordered Mr. Drake, 33, committed to the custody of the Michigan Department of Mental Health to begin psychiatric treatment. If he is rendered competent, a preliminary examination would be set, the Shiawasee County prosecutor’s office said. It is unclear how long the treatment will last. In his order, Judge Terrance P. Dignan of 66th District Court in Corunna, Mich., held that “there is a substantial probability that Mr. Drake, if provided a course of treatment, will attain competence to stand trial,” said a statement released by Sara L. Edwards, chief assistant prosecutor.

Dam disputes strain Turkey-Iraq ties
California Water Crisis
State Water Crisis Discussed in Washington DC
Democrats and Water Don't Mix Well
Lobbying for Water in DC Paying Off
Mohali protests power, water crisis
Community groups work to mitigate Iraq's water disaster
Alterdestiny: Water and Future Wars
Guard guns down youth over peeing in Delhi
How Brazil's Lula Sees the Emerging World Order
STFU there it is again!
Venezuela buys Conoco Deltana share, Chevron stays
Paladin Accuses NGOs of Being Paid to Stop Malawi Uranium Mine
Nova Uranium Receives $1,370,000 With Zero Dilution
Rwanda: FDLR Maintains Grip On DR Congo Minerals
Coltan is Tantalum
Fresh reports indicate that the rag-tag rebel outfit, Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) continues to illegally exploit minerals in Eastern DR Congo. According to reports, the minerals that are being exploited mainly include coltan and cassiterite. "There have been reports to our Military Observers by the local population that FDLR continues to remain present in the general locality, particularly in the area of Ruvungi, where FDLR combatants reportedly continue to control mining fields," said Lt. Col. Jean-Paul Dietrich, the MONUC chief military spokesperson.

Tomorrow belongs to Zero!
Canadian bishop charged with child porn
Which reminded him of Lombard:
Among those trying to shine the light on the homosexual aspect of the Lombard case is Mike Adams, a professor of criminology at the University of North Carolina-Wilmington.“I tried to contact Frank Lombard over the weekend to probe his expertise regarding the health benefits of raping small children,” wrote Adams. “So far, he’s declined to comment.”Lombard faces 20 years in prison.Vatican envoy to UN defends church's response to sex abuse
That's their answer? Well, THEYYYY do it too? Like a fucking 4 year old!
The Vatican has defended its response to the problem of sexual abuse of children by priests, saying that the church had been "cleaning its own house" and that other religions and institutions were similarly tainted.Bible Verses Banned From Cheerleaders' Signs
After a complaint was lodged, the school district reviewed the messages and determined that it is “a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution for signs with Bible verses to be displayed on the football field.” Unfortunately, the cheerleaders had prepared a full season’s worth of the huge banners for the football players to burst through at the start of each game.Pope meets Pakistan president at summer retreat
Yeah yeah, Koom Bah Yah. Now pay the fucking Jizya or it's your head. We just got Lugar to triple it from America, what's your offer?
The Vatican said the two stressed "the need to overcome all forms of discrimination based on religious affiliation, with the aim of promoting respect for the rights of all."Pope meets new US envoy, praises Obama
I got some moral imperatives for ya. Gimme a call.
President Barack Obama is pro-choice but the Vatican welcomes many of the new U.S. administration's other initiatives and Benedict praised Obama's recent efforts at the U.N. Security Council to work toward a "goal of a world free of nuclear weapons."Diaz, presenting his credentials to the pope in a ceremony in the Apostolic Palace, hailed Benedict for emphasizing "moral imperatives."Now you can do Christmas even if you don't do God
You might as well as Christmas has dick to do with the the GOD of the Bible in the first place. But how the fuck would any of you know any of that, hmmm?
And now we have The Atheist’s Guide to Christmas, edited by Sherine and likely to create as much of a buzz as her bus adverts. The book’s contributors include Derren Brown, Charlie Brooker, Simon Singh, A. C. Grayling and even Simon Le Bon, whom I last saw being waterboarded in the Wild Boys video.Christian student observes Muslim 'feast for the faith'
William and Mary News! A Chrislam Da'Wa starring quotes from Tariq Ramadan!
"In reality, Ramadan is a holy month, filled with celebration," she said. Citing a quote from Tariq Ramadan, a Swiss Muslim academic.....Oh yeah that's what he is. A Swiss Muslim Academic.
Indiana University's Union Board to present evolution talk by Dickie D
Dick is just everywhere these days.
The Secular Alliance of IU, or SAIU, is a group of IU students and staff who share a secular world view that spans atheism, agnosticism, free thought, humanism and other beliefs. Its members strive to understand the world through reason and the scientific process, to serve society both with service projects and education, and to provide a community for those seeking an alternative to religion.Richard Dawkins Makes American Media Appearances
More Dick than you can swallow!
VIDEO: Religion is Man-Made: Richard Dawkins at The Royal Ontario Museum
Canada loves them some Dick too!
The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing, Edited by Richard Dawkins
Humane Dick Didacticism for Mods!
Further evidence of the humane didacticism of Darwin's most tenacious champion comes in this engaging selection. Though Dawkins's belligerent certainty alienates many, he includes a view from Carl Sagan: "We will always be mired in error.Richard Dawkins: Palin's an "ignorant, know-nothing bigot"
And Dickie D is a Jew hating eugenicist loving pompass ass of an crazed agendiac Darwingelical zoologist who hates Judaism and Christianity and has gone on the Mad Sciencefada against us all. But who's counting?
Health Funding for Science, Not Faith
The Secular Coalition for America takes no position on the Baucus Health Care Bill itself, but we are working to defeat three proposed amendments that would alter public policy to privilege religious people.Atheist Alliance Convention
You guessed it! Get Dicked at the Atheist Convention!
Believe in Nothing and you shall have it in abundance
Dead Sea Scrolls Coming To Milwaukee
Even this they have to bring fucking Islam into?
“Some stories from the Hebrew bible influenced Islam as well, so it affects historically -- in many ways -- almost half the people on the planet,” said Carter Lupton, an archaeologist at the Milwaukee Public Museum.Officials: Missing SC nuclear pellets not risky
Go back to sleep and dream of Dick.
Ecuadorean Car Salesman Denies Seeking Bribe in Chevron Case
Chevron's shifty shifting of venue
Chevron CEO O'Reilly to retire at year-end
Earthquake Expert Says Quake Activity Building Up
WTF we would do without experts I'll never know.
The Earth shuddered
Living on the Edge, Geologically Speaking
Sumatra earthquake triggered quakes 8,000 km away
Indonesian quake toll at 1100, thousands missing
Surfer 'rode Samoa tsunami' to escape death
Seriously Huge Kahunaism..
Tom Waits Interviews Tom Waits