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Friday, October 9, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: Inglorious Glowballists

Israel's sworn adversaries
IOW, Entire Glow Ball (including Rabbis..) excepting most of Borough Park, Crown Heights & Micronesia.
"Rabbi" Rosen condemns Israel as he offers his solemn amen to the United Nations' Goldstone Report accusing Israel of war crimes. This report, like others before it, is the spawn of the now infamous UN Human Rights Council, which over the past four years has cited Israel's "violations" more often than those of all other UNmembers combined. Does the rabbi truly believe Israel, which unilaterally relinquished Gaza to the Palestinian Authority four years ago, should be found guilty of a "crime against humanity" after Hamas hijacked Gaza in a murderous coup and then commenced bombing Israeli towns and farms? What standing does Hamas have in any world court or council? Hamas refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist. By its words and deeds of terror, it seeks the destruction of the Jewish state.
Syria postpones Abbas visit amid Goldstone vote deferral controversy
Syria has postponed a planned visit by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas amid controversy about his decision to suspend efforts to have Israeli officials prosecuted for alleged war crimes during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, a Syrian official said Monday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media, refused to specify the exact reason for postponing Abbas's visit, which was scheduled to begin Tuesday. But the decision came a day after Syria criticized the Abbas-led Palestinian Authority for backing down against Israel. Late last week, the UN Human Rights Council considered a resolution to send the report to the UN General Assembly for possible action. Instead, PA diplomats said Friday they would agree to delay the vote until March. With the Palestinians out of the picture, Arab and Muslim states did not take the case further.
Saudi King's Visit to Syria a Sign of Improved Relations
Syria has been Tehran's strongest ally in the Arab world since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran. Some Arab countries, such as Saudi and Egypt, have been trying to peel Syria away from Iran but these moves so far have not been successful. The official Saudi Press Agency said King Abdullah accepted the invite of Assad and will visit Syria in "the coming days." In a prelude to the thaw in relations, Assad and Abdullah have held three meetings in the past two years, the last time in Saudi Arabia last month.

Jordan to Israel: Don't let Jews onto Temple Mount

Heavy Security for Jerusalem March

Palestinians warn Israel on Jerusalem tensions

PA condemns 'Israeli aggression'
These Israelis aggressively insist on remaining Jewish AND breathing. This we can not have.

Rock stockpiles found on Temple Mount
To stone aggressive Israelis with.

Hamas' propaganda machine
Now with Extra Rabbis!

Hamas bitterly criticizes Palestinian leader
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — Hamas leaders said Monday that they no longer consider President Mahmoud Abbas a Palestinian...
Hamas and Fatah to sign unity deal in Middle East peace boost
Glow Ball Peace Through Dead Juden, right?
Of course right!

Fatah-led security officers accused of torturing Hamas suspect
LOL! WTF is the difference? My violent jihad is better than yours...
Amr was, his father said, a Hamas sympathiser though not a militant. The rest of his family are strong Fatah loyalists, some of them even senior figures in the Palestinian security forces.
Hamas criticizes Muslims silence towards Israel
You call this shit silence? I'd hate to hear what you call a cacophony.

ZOA seeks probe of students for Hamas fund raising
A Jewish group called on federal authorities to probe University of California, Irvine students for allegedly raising funds for Hamas. In a letter dated Oct. 2, the Zionist Organization of America urged the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the students over suspicions that they collected money for the Palestinian terrorist group. According to ZOA, members of the Muslim Union of Students solicited money for a charity called Viva Palestina at a rally held May 21 dubbed “Israel: The Politics of Genocide.” The charity, founded by British leftist politician George Galloway, who headed the rally on the Irvine campus, has been accused of directly aiding Hamas.

“We are concerned that the funds raised at UC Irvine may have been for the purpose of providing material support and resources to Hamas, a U.S.-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, in violation of law,” wrote Morton Klein and Susan Tuchman, the ZOA president and director of its Center for Law and Justice, respectively. In addition, ZOA said activists had violated university policy by collecting money without receiving university approval. Last week, a university official responded to ZOA concerns by saying the university would launch an internal probe into the incident.
Israel: Official Cancels Trip to Britain
Moshe Yaalon, a government minister and former army chief of staff, has canceled a trip to Britain, fearing he could be arrested on war crimes charges. Mr. Yaalon was scheduled to speak at a charity fund-raiser in London next month. His spokesman, Alon Ofek-Arnon, said Monday that Mr. Yaalon had avoided traveling to Britain for years because of attempts by activists to have him charged, under the principle of universal jurisdiction, in connection with the 2002 assassination of a Hamas leader in Gaza in which civilians also died. Mr. Yaalon “will not lend a hand to those trying to delegitimize Israel,” Mr. Ofek-Arnon said. Palestinian activists tried to have the defense minister, Ehud Barak, arrested when he was in Britain last week, but Mr. Barak was on an official visit and was granted immunity.
Israel: Foreign Minister Scoffs at Prospects for Peace
I scoff as well.

Israel Braces For Palestinian 'Day Of Rage'
WOW! It's Seetheapalooza Friday again already? They blow up so fast.

Police increase presence in volatile Jerusalem

Abbas: Jews spending billions on Jerusalem lands
The nerve of these insolent Jews to buy land and live wherever they deem fit ESPECIALLY in Jerusalem, as everyone knows it is a violation of Glow Ball Law to breathe whilst Juden in the City of David.

Jerusalem: "capital of Arab culture"
SEE? Insolent Juden.

Obama adviser says Sharia law "misunderstood"
Oh - I understand perfectly, you bitch.
Miss Mogahed, appointed to the President's Council on Faith-Based and Neighbourhood Partnerships, said the Western view of Sharia was "oversimplified" and the majority of women around the world associate it with "gender justice". The White House adviser made the remarks on a London-based TV discussion programme hosted by Ibtihal Bsis, a member of the extremist Hizb ut Tahrir party.

EU-India dialogue on ethics of biometrics promoted by the RISE project
On the 24th and 25th of September 2009, the EU funded initiative RISE (Rising pan-European and International Awareness on Biometrics and Security Ethics) organized a high level event in New Delhi which focused on communalities and differences between the EU and India regarding the vital policy issues of security, data protection and privacy. The meeting was hosted by the Data Security Council of India and provided an excellent opportunity for the RISE partners, for EU and US Agencies and for selected Asian stakeholders to discuss on issues related to data protection and privacy in India, as well as on concerns on the use of biometric data.
COMSTECH bio-safety workshop begins
The Strategic Plans Division.....
ISLAMABAD: International laboratory bio-safety workshop has kick-started here at the OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) building. The five-day international workshop on “Laboratory Bio-safety and Containment Facilities” is being organized by COMSTECH and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. The workshop started with welcome address by Dr. Anwar Nasim, COMSTECH’s Adviser Science whereas Dr. Irfan Yusuf Shami, Director General of the Disarmament Department of Pakistan’s foreign office gave an introduction to Pakistan’s efforts towards eradication of biological and toxin weapons from the world. Air Commodore, Khalid Banuri from the Strategic Plans Division also gave a lecture on the topic.
US Senate Passes Kerry-Lugar Pakistan Bill
Triple the jizya! Thank you, Mask Man!

Pakistan: Abuse of Christians and Other Religious Minorities
Sure, so we triple their jizya - yeah, that's the ticket....

Q: How many agree with the jizya tax?
A: All muslims agree with Jizya because it is in the Quraan
US REBRANDS 'Religious Defamation' @ UN for the OIC
At the General Assembly, where the OIC has less clout than at the 47-member council, observers have seen an erosion of support for the notion of religious “defamation” in recent years, as free speech, religious liberty and humanist organizations have stepped up their advocacy against the OIC campaign. The most recent resolution passed last December 86-53, with 42 countries abstaining. A year earlier, the vote had gone 108-51, with 25 abstentions. Wu of The Becket Fund said that despite the concerns about Friday’s HRC resolution, the consensus vote for a freedom of expression measure was hopefully an indication that the tide has changed. “All eyes should be on next month’s General Assembly vote on ‘defamation of religions,’” she said.
OIC - Ihsanoglu and Clinton Discuss Bilateral Relations

Libya tightens control over energy sector

Geithner: Be vigiliant of terror financing risk from Iran banks

Iran names new militia commander who UN sanctioned

Iran's supreme leader replaces militia chief

Mofaz: Iran 'buying time' in negotiations over nuclear program
Exactly. Except sadly they do not have to buy it we give it to them free of charge.

'Iran will blow up the heart of Israel'

Iran plans to use new centrifuge at atom fuel plant

IRANIAN MP: Negotiations Progressing in Iran's Interest after Geneva Talks

Iran 'moving aggressively down' nuclear path, Bayh says
Why not? We roll out a fucking red carpet for them.

US welcomes Iran's increased cooperation over nuclear issue
Mighty white of us. Glow Ball Peace through Dead Jews now, ya hear?

“Ahmadinejad is Jewish” accusation political tactic

By the vaunted & revered democratically inclined "opposition", who reveal their own Jew hate with the ploy. The one thing whole Glow Ball can agree: KILL THE JEWS. Koom bah yah, MFers.

Iran closes leading newspapers

Yemeni cleric blames Iran for war
Yes but it appears I am the only one in Oymerika that knows there even IS a fucking war going on in Yemen.

Military to respect Obama's plans for Afghanistan, Gates says

Oy to the vey izzzsssh meeeeeeer...

Obama's Domestic Agenda Ambitions Preclude Any Afghan Troop Surge
McChrystal has not quit yet far as I can tell....

US Afghan pullout not an option, White House says

Karzai Expected to Win Afghan Recount

SHOCKA! or not.

Ousted UN official stands by election complaint
An American ousted as the No. 2 official at the U.N. mission in Afghanistan said Monday he has no second-thoughts about assertions that the organization failed to aggressively probe vote fraud charges in the August presidential election."The flaw that took place in Afghanistan was preventable," the dismissed diplomat, Peter Galbraith, said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America." Galbraith said the United Nations "did not exercise its responsiblity." In dismissing Galbraith, the deputy envoy at the U.N. mission there, Secretary-General Ki-moon did not specify the nature of their differences.Galbraith said the argument was over how the U.N. should have handled the delicate situation.
Stalling Afghan election result harms country: Karzai
That strange sound you hear is me laughing maniacally.

Why are we in Afghanistan? They're called PIPELINES!

BTW? That is the very same UAE "Royal" who was caught on tape personally torturing an Afghan grain dealer Dickie C is laughing it up with there.... "Yes and when I rammed that cattle prod right up his Afghan ass he screamed just like a little British schoolgirl! It was so funny, you should have been there, my friend Dickie! Come! Let us whip some teenage girls together now! Want to?"
GCC Secretary General praises UAE's endeavours for peaceful nuclear programme
Jihadi Nukes For Peace! Unless you are a Jew or an Afghan grain dealer!

Columnist, author to lecture on key to Middle East peace
Glow Ball Peace Through Dead Jehudi, my fine student friends!
Arizona State University - Khouri is a Palestinian-Jordanian and US citizen whose family resides in Beirut, Lebanon...
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero: Address to the UN
Video & PDF transcript

Hell on Earth in Jordan
AMMAN: Jordanian authorities were on Wednesday conducting an investigation to try to explain an unusual phenomenon whereby the heat of a plot of land rose dramatically to more than 400 degrees Celsius.
Turkey's DTP to open offices in Iran, Syria and northern Iraq

Chinese Intellectuals: State versus New Left

Chinese Premier Discusses Nuclear Standoff in North Korea

Norway tops UN human development index, China moves up

What 10,000 dead Uighurs? Huh? Who?

Russia's capital outflows hit $31.5 bln in Q3 2009

Serbia to Receive 1.46 Billion $ Loan From Russia

A frightening turn in Russia
It's almost as if everyone else has been asleep the last ten years and they are just now waking up.

Russia will not allow car giant Avtovaz to collapse: Putin

If Vlad says he does not allow then it is not allowed, get me?

Reports: Renault assures Putin on AvtoVAZ
See? Good dogski. Go now, chase bone, you bother me.

Putin says state to commit more money to AvtoVAZ

Ukraine, Russia Spar Over Bid for Influence in Crimea

Gambling Surges in Russia, Despite Near Total Ban

Russia seeks finalization of Iran uranium deal

Russia Denies Visas To Reporters Without Borders Workers

No Visa for you! Potato!

Energy giant Gazprom to move into fast food

No Coke. Pepsi!
According to the newspaper, Gaztorgpromstroy will use 400 stores and canteens which currently only cater to Gazprom employees for its new up-market supermarkets and Naraskhvat restaurants. Most of the stores and restaurants will be located in Siberia and the Urals, the site of Gazprom's largest natural plants. However, several restaurants may be also opened in central Russia. Gazprom's subsidiaries include Gazprombank, Gazprom-Media, Gazpromgeofizika, the Promstroybank of Russia, Sibneftegas, and Uraltransgaz.
US sees Caspian fields as potential gas suppliers for Nabucco
Nabucco. HAHAHA Stupid Ameerkanskis, you are just cracking the Czar Vlad up!

Lukashenka: Putin organized a plot against Belarus

What, me? KGBski Vlad plot? Absurd. Unheard of.

Russia denies its scientists helping Iran
What, Vlad should send scientists to Iran? Absurd, comrade Ameerkanski!

Kazakhstan - IX Summit of the Heads of the Turkic Speaking States

Chevron Kazakh venture to raise oil output

Kazakhstan to Present at cippe2010 as Sino-Kazakh Oil Trades Boom

Sarkozy seeks French business deals in Kazakhstan

Sarkozy urged to tell Kazakhstan to improve rights
Rights, shmights, there are so many untapped natural resources in Kazakhstan we do not give a rat's ass for anyone's so called rights - so STFU you gleeking plebes, we are trying to eat our Gazprom Kazakh waffle here.....

France, Kazakhs ink military transit, energy deals

Expansion Of Iran-Kazakhstan Commercial Ties Underlined

Kazakhstan: Israel's Partner in Eurasia
Uccch. Ya gotta be really smart to be this stupid. Yeah, right... they just love us.

US-Uzbekistan Investment Summit 2009

The Kyrgyz will probably withhold their water then and see how they like them apples.

France, Spain to return to Kyrgyzstan air base

Democracy and Islamism in Kyrgyzstan
A creeping authoritarianism has overcome Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyzstan sets out plans for development fund

UN Report: Kyrgyzstan's level of living ranks 120th in the world

Central Asian states of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan ranked 119th and 120th respectively, outranking only Tajikistan with 127th position.
United Arab Emirates, Kyrgyzstan sign Open Skies agreement
I'm Abdul, fly me!

Kyrgyz Officials Seek Renewal of the Death Penalty

Uzbekistan - Islam Karimov meets Qaboos bin Said
Caboose? Okeedokee then.
President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov arrived in Muscat, capital of Oman, with a state visit on 4 October.
Tajikistan to get Central Asia's largest mosque

New US Ambassador to Tajikistan presents credentials to President

At the ceremony, Ambassador Kenneth Gross voiced the commitment of the United States to work closely with the Government of Tajikistan to reach common goals of fostering peace and stability in the region, enhancing economic ties and promoting democratic reform and development. “I and the Embassy staff will work hard to deepen the level of understanding between our two countries, and I look forward to the many opportunities we will have to make our relationship stronger.” Prior to his nomination, Mr. Gross served as a Career Development Officer for senior-level officers in the Human Resources Bureau and as director of the Middle East Partnership Initiative Office in the Near Eastern Affairs Bureau.
Iranian Presidential Advisor Praises Tajikistan's Efforts for Muslim Solidarity!

RCDS Delegation in Tajikistan
DUSHANBE, October 2, 2009, Asia-Plus -- A delegation of Royal College of Defense Studies (RCDS) of the United Kingdom which includes professional military and civilian personnel from Ethiopia, Italy, Netherlands, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Serbia, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom and United States will arrive in Dushanbe on October 4 for a three-day study visit, according to the British Embassy in Dushanbe.
Kazakh, Tajik, Turkmen leaders will not attend Oct. 9 CIS summit
The presidents of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan will not attend Friday's CIS summit in Moldova's capital, a Moldovan Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday. Kazakhstan and Tajikistan are to be represented by their prime ministers at the summit in Chisinau, and Turkmenistan is to send a deputy premier to take part in the meeting. About 20 draft projects on various issues, including the strengthening of CIS members' cooperation in overcoming the consequences of the world financial crisis, the development of integration processes in the humanitarian and security spheres, and the optimization of the activities of various CIS bodies, are expected to be discussed during the summit. The former Soviet states of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine are members of the CIS.

Switzerland - Federal Councillor Calmy-Rey holds political talks with Tajikistan

Turkmenistan - Switzerland stresses relevance of Turkmenistan's neutrality

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I find that very amusing.

Turkmenistan and Spain interested in boosting bilateral relations

Glorious Al Andalusianstan fun for whole family!

Water engineers from Tajikistan visit Boulder


Turkmenistan Bars Students From Traveling To US-Linked Schools

US complains about Turkmen student travel ban

Russia to resume gas imports from Turkmenistan

Why Is Goldman a Bank Holding Company?
All your bank are belong to the Gold Man's Sack.

Goldman Sachs ups large US banks to attractive

US Stocks Rise on Goldman Bank Upgrade, ISM; Dollar Weakens

Goldman in Talks on CIT Loan

Goldman Sachs to Score One Billion Payday if CIT Fails

Credit Suisse Hires Goldman Partner for Prime Brokerage Role

Saudi Bank Governor Denies Talks to Replace Dollar
People simply do not pay attention, I told you about this crap last year....
SEPTEMBER 2008: Gulf officials okay plans for monetary council, union

JEDDAH, Saudi Arabia (AFP) — Finance chiefs of oil-rich Gulf states on Wednesday approved proposals to set up a monetary council and a draft charter for a monetary union, the Arab bloc's secretary general said Finance and economy ministers of the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council approved the draft agreement for a monetary union and the council's bylaws at a meeting in the Saudi Red Sea city of Jeddah, Abdurrahman al-Attiyah told AFP. The endorsement of the proposals constitutes a major step toward adopting a single currency, Attiyah said.
Oil Not Priced in Dollars by 2018?
So of all people on Inglorious Glow Ball, freakin' FISK comes up with it as well. Dude must read here, lol! If it's such a sooper sekrit Robert, why was I posting about it LAST FUCKING YEAR?
By Robert Fisk - In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France – to end dollar dealings for oil, moving instead to a basket of currencies including the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan, the euro, gold and a new, unified currency planned for nations in the Gulf Co-operation Council, including Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, Kuwait and Qatar. Secret meetings have already been held by finance ministers and central bank governors in Russia, China, Japan and Brazil to work on the scheme, which will mean that oil will no longer be priced in dollars. In the most profound financial change in recent Middle East history, Gulf Arabs are planning – along with China, Russia, Japan and France
Oil prices firm on back of weak dollar

France dismisses talk of replacing dollar in oil

Iran profited from non-dollar oil sales increase
TEHRAN, Oct 6 (Reuters) - Iran has made a huge profit from its policy of increasing its sales of oil for currencies other than the US dollar.....
Iranian Economy Min - US Dollar "Detrimental" To Economy

Gulf OPEC Official: Not In Talks On USD Oil Trading Ditch

Weak dollar, oil gains drive gold toward $1020/oz

Gold to track oil, hit $1500/oz in 2011 -BoA

Gold Hits Record Above $1033

Gold hits record at $1038, gains on report of dollar's demise
That odd sound you hear is AI cackling like Ebenezer Scrooge!

US Stocks Rise to Extend Global Rally as Gold Jumps to Record

Global Equity Investors Still Prefer Asia

Japanese banking shares on the rise

Brazil Is Buying $10 Billion IMF Bond

Russia IMF bond buy not dependent on reform

Iceland criticises IMF, UK and Dutch

Iceland Gets $200M Long-term Loan From Poland

German property lender HRE agrees nationalisation amid angry scenes

Fed Needs Goldilocks for Roach Motel Check-Out

Financial Industry Groups Push Back At US Regulatory Proposals

Glow Ball Peace through Dead Juden Prize!
U.S. President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for giving the world "hope for a better future" with his work for peace and calls to reduce the global stockpile of nuclear weapons. The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised Obama for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

"Very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said in a citation. It awarded the prize to Obama less than nine months into his presidency. Despite setting out an ambitious international agenda, he has yet to score any breakthrough on the Middle East or Iran's nuclear programme, and faces difficult choices on the conduct of the war in Afghanistan.

Last month Obama chaired a historic meeting of the United Nations Security Council, which unanimously approved a U.S.-drafted resolution calling on nuclear weapons states to scrap their arsenals. Obama is the third senior U.S. Democrat to win the prize this decade after former Vice President Al Gore won in 2007 along with the U.N. climate panel and Jimmy Carter in 2002. The prize worth 10 million Swedish crowns ($1.4 million) will be handed over in Oslo on Dec. 10.

As pointed out by beloved Spleen poster "maddogg":
The deadline for nominations for this year's Nobel Peace Prize was February 1. So that means that Obama's award was based on what he had accomplished through about the first ten days of his presidency.
Bolton: Decline It
And then, John woke up and wondered how he got under that big ugly bus.
Former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton tells NRO that President Obama should decline the Nobel Peace Prize. “The Nobel committee is preaching at Americans, but they won’t be deceived,” says Bolton. “He should decline it and then ask to be considered again in three or four years when he has a record.”
"Toughest Sheriff in America" Stripped of ICE Agent Status
Sheriff Joe tells Bruno to stick it right up her big ass...

Terrorism, Border Security and Customs Top Homeland Security Agenda

Memex Selected to Implement Michigan Criminal Intelligence System

VIENNA, Va. -Memex, Inc., the leading worldwide provider of intelligence management, data integration, search and analysis solutions, announced today its selection by the State of Michigan to deploy the state’s primary criminal intelligence platform, which will provide access to more than 600 law enforcement agencies, more than 21,000 certified police officers as well as numerous state and federal departments. That platform, known as the Michigan Criminal Intelligence System (MCIS), is run by the Michigan State Police and will be used in the Michigan Intelligence Operations Center for Homeland Security (MIOC), the state’s fusion center. HP Enterprise Services, a leading global technology services provider, is serving as sub-contractor, working with Memex on this implementation.

The MIOC will use the Memex intelligence system to gather, collate, track, analyze and disseminate terrorism intelligence information. Additionally, the system will be used to counter-act conventional criminal activity, including street gangs, organized crime and high-volume crimes. Just as important is the Memex products capability to assist the Michigan State Police in compliance with State and Federal laws pertaining to the protection of citizens’ privacy rights. “The State of Michigan deployment will be the largest in the U.S. and second biggest in the world for Memex,” said Neil Schlisserman, Vice President of Memex Americas.

“Law enforcement in Michigan will benefit greatly from a common intelligence platform for information sharing as well as Memex’s engaging approach to commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software deployment and customer service.” Memex has extensive experience working with fusion centers at the state, regional and city levels as well as with major statewide and large municipal law enforcement agencies. The MIOC is the 12th fusion center to select Memex as its foundation for intelligence and the sixth statewide deployment.

Minus Public Option, Obamacare Still Stinks

Mexico hosts Department of Homeland Security H1N1 meeting

Swine flu vaccine being shipped to health-care providers statewide

Science Czar argued for population control to limit 'global cooling'

LOL! STFU none of this is happening or you are obviously a racist.

Thomas F. Frist, III Elected to SAIC Board of Directors

Who's on Frist?
Tommy Frist's background in business and the healthcare industry will be a valuable asset to SAIC and we are honored to welcome him to the board....
National Institutes of Health Awards $4.8 Million Grant
The team included researchers from MUSC and USC along with consultants from Recombinant Data Corporation, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
SAIC Receives $20 Million Navy Grant

DHS Plans Cyber Job Fair
Come ride the Big Brother Coaster and check out the Peeping Tomobiles at the DHS fair! Fun for the whole family!

Pentagon's KC-X Process Questioned

William "Raytheon" Lynn is in charge...
The U.S. Air Force is already on the defensive about its plans for the KC-X competition, with a former top procurement official questioning the source-selection methodology and Northrop Grumman/EADS asserting it has been put at a disadvantage by the disclosure of its pricing data to rival Boeing. The Pentagon last week dismissed complaints from a Northrop Grumman executive on the pricing data claim. But the issue is already festering, potentially spoiling the Air Force’s hopes to have a KC-135 replacement on contract by mid-2010. Discussions continue between Northrop Grumman CEO Ronald Sugar and top Pentagon officials, according to Randy Belote, the company’s vice president for strategic communications. In its Sept. 29 statement, Northrop Grumman says it is “greatly concerned” that pricing data from the 2008 competition was divulged during a debriefing to Boeing on its loss.

New military policy for twittering soldiers
Every breath you take, every Twit you make, they'll be watching you....
William (RAYTHEON!) Lynn III, Deputy Defense Secretary, is of the opinion that social networking sites can "help disseminate the Pentagon's message at home and abroad"
VeriChip chooses Raytheon/ECLAN to manufacture its microchips
Welcome to the Book of Revelation.
VeriChip Corporation announced that it has selected Raytheon Microelectronics España/ECLAN for the production of the company's implantable microchip...
Raytheon Wins US Armed Forces Combat Training Program In Kuwait
Wins. Like there was any way for anyone else to "win".

Raytheon awarded $100m US Air Force deal
It's just another day at Raytheon!

Defense lawyers say ex-lobbyist on Jack Abramoff's team is victim of "guilt by association"

Government watchdogs questioned this promise when William Lynn was brought on to serve as the Deputy Secretary of Defense, a former lobbyist for Raytheon.
Local video urges citizens to join fight against terrorism
How to rat on your neighbors for fun & profit! It's patriotic!

The Influencers: Janet Napolitano
Influencers? Is there a vaccine I can get against that crap?

Holder, Napolitano, In Denver For Police Conference

God 1, Dawkins 0
A classic case in point is militant misotheist Richard Dawkins. He has a new book out, The Greatest Show on Earth, and he did an interview with Newsweek about it just recently. In the interview it is clear that Dawkins is still up to his same old party tricks. He continues to pontificate on something he knows nothing about: God.
Does Dickie Do London in Drag?
Just to be on the safe side, I heard a rumour (unsubstantiated) that Dr. Dawkins categorically denied he ever dressed in drag. He was reported to have said: "I swear to God that was not me!"
The crazies are out in force after Richard Dawkins
That'd be me. My first Dartwa. I am so proud! How kooky of me to take Dawkins at his word.... and how insolent of me to "harp" on them. Everyone else on Inglorious Glow Ball is responsible for their statements and actions except for them, you see.
The other thing that BabbaZee harps on is Dawkins' statement that "Jews monopolize American policy."
How silly of me!

High-priest of atheism is on his way
All who do not bow to His Majesty Herr Biggus Dickus Deluxicus are hereby decreed retards, defectives, lunatics and morons. It's not fascism when HHHHHEEEEEEEEEEE does it, you stinking plebian cretin Jews!

Physicist Lawrence Krauss blows everyone's minds at atheist conference

A mind is a terrible thing to blow.

The Complicated Politics of Italian Transhumanism
Ewwwww! It appears the entire Glow Ball is waging the same bullshit asshole blog war, only different! Meantime, back in reality.... WTF is a"Transhumanist" anyway? Ohhhhh... IT IS A NICE NEW WAY OF SAYING EUGENICIST!!! MFers.
Recently the fight between the two transhumanist groups in Italy has spilled over onto English language blogs. One side is accused of harboring fascists, the other of being conservatives and closet Papists. I’ve asked one of the individuals at the center of the controversy, Stefano Vaj, to present a statement of his political stance here which will hopefully help clarify this very confusing and troubling situation.
Oh Noes! It's the fucking HASSNERS again!
HASSNERS Humanist Atheist Scientific Secularist Naturalistic
BlablbalblablablalaBLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH. Plus nothing. Times eleventy. So there.

'Hot Button' Climate Issue Spotlights How US Chamber Sets Policy

We also have a cold button, just in case. Don't call it Global Warming... Call it Climate Change. Then we can never be wrong! Just like when we were 15! We believe that we can't be wrong!

Solving the Enigma of Petra and the Nabataeans

'Hall of Eras' uncovered within Western Wall tunnels

Meantime back on the surface the hall or errors continues....

And for no other reason than the headline just cracked me up:
Phuket's New Navy Chief Wary of Boatpeople

NASA tests nuclear powered Stirling engine for future Moon and Mars bases
Da Moon has much uranium.

Depleted uranium shipments from SC to Utah expected to begin soon

Materials Sourcing Studied as Regulators Ponder Legislation
Kansas Senator Sam Brownback has drafted a bill that requires companies to report where ore for tin, tantalum and tungsten was mined.
Gippsland targets base metals, gold in Eritrea - shares jump
The licences span an overall 300 sq km and contain the Abu Dabbab and Nuweibi tantalum resources, which total 142.5 million tonnes
Chevron Ecuador case has new judge; Nicolas Zambrano

Montserrat volcano shoots plume of ash into sky

Indonesia will face a far more devastating earthquake

Samoa Earthquake and Tsunami Update

FEMA Continues Disaster Response in American Samoa

Earthquake in the Pacific: Animation Simulation

Globe feels nature's wrath

The wrath is expressed in nature but it is not of "nature's" making. The WRATH belongs to GOD. But if you say that, you are insane. However saying it belongs to a nebulous non entity of accidents of "nature" is supremely rational. OKEEDOKEE THEN.