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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: A Civilizational Supernova

Palestinian Leader Advocates Goal Of De Facto State
But elsewhere in the West Bank, something different is happening. Palestinian leaders say they can no longer simply wait for the peace process to move forward: They are trying to create their own "facts on the ground."
Palestinians get $55 million more jizya $$'s from U.S.
The UNRWA was created in 1949 to provide health, education, housing and financial services to Palestinian Authority Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
UN Relief Agency Linked to Hamas
Eureka, it's UNRWA. So... that is our way of funneling 55 million to Hamas - UNRWA is the bagman.

Fatah to fund 100 USD extra for families of martyrs via PA
An extra 100 US dollars will be added to the monthly stipends of families of those killed by Israeli forces, General Secretary of the National Alliance for the Families of Martyrs said Saturday.
Israel PM, Egypt president to talk peace in Cairo
Ucch we keep going BACK down into Egypt like idiots, for CENTURIES.

Report: Fatah Supports Egyptian Reconciliation Plan
Hey Achmed? All Juden must die, right?
Of course, right!

Abbas sacks Hamas mayor in West Bank
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' government sacked a West Bank town's Hamas mayor on Saturday charging financial mismanagement, a move seen as complicating efforts to end a factional feud.
Katyusha rockets hit northern Israel

Rockets Fired From Lebanon Hit Israel

Mitchell heads to Israel, other Mideast nations

Hamas lawmaker slams Mitchell's Mideast regional tour
"Hamas is afraid that Mitchell's visit to the region will enforce the Palestinian side to offer more concessions at the expense of the Palestinian people's legitimate rights," said al-Bardawil. Mitchell will arrive at the region Saturday evening, where he will hold talks with Israeli government officials and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and other Palestinian officials in the West Bank. "We look at Mitchell's visit and the U.S. role through our understanding of the Palestinian cause. Our philosophy is based on ending the Israeli occupation soon instead of pushing the stalled peace process," said al-Bardawil.
Iraq Demands More Water from Turkey, Syria
I am telling you this water thing is a big problem and they will get ugly over the Golan very soon.

Obama Reaches Boiling Point On Settlements Freeze
Boil all ya want.
President Obama was therefore seriously in error in ever suggesting that Israel should freeze settlement activity in these circumstances whilst complete Palestinian chaos and disunity prevailed.
Iraq says Syria must show will to stop militants
Why do people keep expecting militants to stop militants? KooKoo! My jihad is better than yours!

United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Youth Solidarity Fund
Glow Ball Solidarity through dead Juden mein brave Islamic Jugend!
A Youth Selection Committee will identify the best projects under each level of funding. Youth organizations from all over the world are invited to submit project proposals by September 30, 2009, 1:00 PM, New York time. The application guidelines and form are available at
Clinton's Remarks Upon Receipt of the Roosevelt Institute's Four Freedoms Award
US Department of State
That's why we have welcomed international efforts such as Turkey and Spain's leadership in the Alliance of Civilizations...
Christian Science Monitor Sez -
Post 9/11, Americans say Muslims face most discrimination in USA
Really? Exactly what sort of science are you Christians practicing over there anyway?
This bothers Kareem Shora, national executive director of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC).
Oh is that right? Well it bothers me that you, Kareem Shora, are a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council. So we are even then.

Homeland Security Advisory Council Members
Did Somalia's al-Shabaab Plan to Attack the Australian Military?

Africa's Great War

Jordan Signs Accord With Tractebel (Belgium) as Part of Nuclear Ambitions

US Accepts Offer From Tehran for Broad Talks
Which broad should we talk about?
The United States has decided to ignore Iran's refusal to discuss its nuclear program and instead accept a vague Iranian plan for talks on security issues as the opening gambit to draw Tehran into real negotiation. The effort to "test" Iran's intentions, announced on Friday, came after Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said his country is skeptical of the need for new sanctions on Iran, giving the Americans little choice but to treat seriously Iran's latest offer.
Ahmadinejad plans NY trip in 'mid-September'

Israel supports Iran talks


Iran's counter-offer: Global Disarmament, Palestinian Rights

Iran leader warns opposition of "harsh response"
In other news, at night you can see the moon sometimes! Really, you can!

Khamenei Says Iran to Combat Opposition If Threatened

Mousavi Supporter Detained Following Search of Home

IRAN: A glimpse into the Bahai seven's coming trial

Interview with Afghan Lieutenant General Hadi Khalid – Part One
Lieutenant General Abdul Hadi Khalid was the Afghan First Deputy Minister of the Interior for Security from May 2006 to late June 2008. Specializing in counter-narcotics, border policing and internal security, he announced the largest drug seizure in history (The Scotsman, June 12, 2008; Daily Mail, June 30, 2008). He lost his post after a dispute with the Karzai administration last year but remains one of Afghanistan's leading thinkers on regional ethno-political dynamics and transnational criminal networks. Jamestown sat down with Hadi Khalid at his home in Kabul and discussed a wide range of challenges facing Afghanistan’s border security as a landlocked state with six neighbors, as well as the post-Bonn agreement successes and failures in the creation of the Afghan National Police.
Pakistan army captures Taliban leader in Swat
My jihad is better than yours!

Taliban Control Spreads in Afghanistan

Why the US is afraid of 'Afghanization'

I point the purple finger of fraud directly at ourselves.
The weakest link in the United States' Afghan strategy has been its handling of the calculus of power in Kabul. Prima facie, this may appear a matter of cultural mishap. During Zalmay Khalilzad's tenure as the American ambassador in Kabul, he conducted himself as viceroy and Washington made it a point to let it be generally understood that President Hamid Karzai played second fiddle.

However, after Khalilzad's departure in 2005, and as Karzai won his first election as president, he began coming into his own. But then, as the Afghan situation deteriorated in 2006, Washington began casting Karzai as the fall guy responsible for the accumulated failures of the war ranging from the shoddy follow-up on Afghan reconstruction, failure to check poppy cultivation and drug trafficking, widespread corruption and flawed "capacity-building" by Afghan institutions. Allegations against Karzai were carried to an extreme. So, where is the real Karzai? Who indeed is the real Karzai? How "strong" was he so that he could "fail"? What happens to Karzai now in the aftermath of the tumultuous presidential election? Is toppling Karzai necessarily a part of the US agenda?
Gun Prices Soar As Afghanistan's Postelection Crisis Continues
The reliable measure of stability in many countries is the value of the currency or the price of equities, bread or fuel — but not in Afghanistan: here the key indicator that nearly every Afghan keeps tabs on is the price of a Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle. And the bad news is that the market is bullish. The stepped-up Taliban offensive and mounting discord over the outcome of last month's election have seen the price of a Chinese-made AK smuggled in from Pakistan rise to $400 from $150 in just three months. "People are arming themselves," a Western official in Kabul noted with alarm.
Pressure grows in Afghanistan for Hamid Karzai to strike a deal

China slams US tyre tariffs, threatens retaliation
NO! We no pay Gwylo jizya. Yao use Crane Technique! No can defend!
Beijing lashed out at the US on Saturday after Washington slapped steep tariffs on imported Chinese tyres, calling the measure "protectionist" and threatening retaliation in China's first trade spat with the Obama administration.

"China is firmly opposed to this measure of serious commercial protectionism by the United States, which not only violates world trade rules but also the undertakings given by the US at the G20," commerce ministry spokesman Yao Jian said in statements posted on the ministry's website."In the context of the global economic crisis this sets a very bad example. China reserves the right to retaliate," he said.
How America Ended its Own Dominance: Wen Wei Po, Hong Kong
Wen Wei Po ~ I am telling you I can not write this shit. When We Po'! AHAHAHA!

Journalists lead march in Hong Kong
Journalists have led a march in Hong Kong protesting against alleged police beatings of three reporters covering recent unrest in western China.Demonstrators held placards reading "respect press freedom" and "reporting the news is not crime". The three TV journalists say that they were punched, kicked and tied up before being detained for three hours. The alleged assaults took place during a protest in Urumqi in western China's Xinjiang province on 4 September. At the time, thousands of Han Chinese were protesting over a spate of stabbings with syringes blamed on attackers from the region's Uighur Muslims.
Dalian port grows, plans oil tank
The port operator is also moving ahead with investment in a number of infrastructure-related projects, as China's 4 trillion yuan ($585.6 billion) stimulus program drives demand for such new work.Dalian Port plans to build a 1.25-million cubic metre oil tank with China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the state-owned parent of PetroChina.

CNPC's Changqing oilfield output hits 39-year high

CNPC secures $35bn to buy energy assets

US Shifts Policy, Willing to Meet 1-on-1 With North Korea

Kim Jong Il Reportedly Calls for Third Nuclear Test

GE Hitachi in talks with India on 6 nuclear units

Indonesia Awards 5 Offshore Oil, Gas Blocks To Investors

Russia won't back sanctions against Iran
Dance, you scabby little mahdiski midget, DANCE!
~ Vlad, he who has seatski where you do notski

Putin: Russia opposes force, sanctions on Iran

No touching Vlad's Persian monkey dwarf till Vlad give glorious go ahead.
~ Don Vladski

On 9/11, Putin warns against Iran war

Putin Signals Desire to Return to Presidency

HAHAHA Silly headline, Vlad is Czar for life no matter what Glow Ball wants to call him.

Putin Opens Door to Return as Russia President
It is my door, and I will open and close it all day if I feel like it.
~ Glorious Putin, Czarski for Life

Venezuela, Russia Sign Joint Venture to Develop Junin 6 Block

Venezuela to pump heavy crude with Russia's help

Glorious Crude Communist Pumping!

Venezuela Buys Rockets from Russia

Chavez strikes arms deals with Russia

Bolivia to buy presidential plane from Russia

Guinea Takes Over Rusal Plant; Russia Warns of 'Consequences'
Nationalize your ass!
Guinea took over United Co. Rusal’s Friguia alumina refinery and may seek another partner after the country’s President Moussa Camara said the world’s biggest aluminum producer underpaid for the development. Guinea now owns all of the operation and may go “in search of a new partner,” Momo Sacko, a Camara adviser, said by phone today. Moscow-based Rusal has 10 days to appeal a court decision giving the plant to the government, he said. Russia’s Foreign Ministry said Guinea plans to expropriate the site and should consider “possible consequences” for their relationship.
Russia steps up German business ties with Opel deal

Russia, China right to diversify fx reserves

* U.S. official says makes sense for China to diversify
* Russia says would like to add more reserve currencies
* U.S. trade deficit concerns resurface

Gazprom Chair Predicts Return to $100 Oil

Gazprom dedicates Lithuanian pipeline

Note to OPEC: Siberia not Saudi
Listen, insolent and ignorant journalist dogski, Russia is Number ONE now. Get it right. or there will be consequences.
~Vladdest of them all
An episodic courtship between Russia, the world’s second largest oil exporter and its sometime rivals in the OPEC group of oil exporting nations, went cold at the beginning of this year when Russia failed to make good on hints that it might cut output in line with OPEC, dominated by Saudi Arabia and other desert states of the Middle East.

Prices for oil, the economic lifeblood of Russia and OPEC countries alike, had fallen below $40, OPEC argued, and supply cuts had to be made to boost prices and finance investment into the oil industry. Alexander Medvedev, deputy chief executive of Russian energy giant Gazprom, told this year’s Reuters Russia Investment Summit that Russia had an excuse for avoiding the multimillion barrel cuts imposed by OPEC: the Siberian chill .

“It is a very simple explanation for this: We are not in a desert where it’s easily to regulate, we are in an extreme situation in Siberia where reserves could be damaged if you up and down your production levels.”

If Russia shuts down Siberian wells, its industry members argue, they could seize up forever as they go cold. And Russia hardly left OPEC hanging, Medvedev argued: The financial crisis took its toll even on Russia’s cash rich oil companies: “Actually the supply was substantially lower in the first half of the year.” Medvedev also said he was still struggling to understand where from the rival Nabucco pipeline will get its gas to rival Gazprom on European markets. “Even at the (Nabucco) signing ceremony I looked at the photos and tried to find any gas supplier and with all my attempts I could not find any. And it looked strange.”
Gazprom eyes one-third of Europe's gas market

Gazprom Puts Bomb Under Russian State
Silly headline, GAZPROM is Russian State.

Naftogaz asks Gazprom to reduce gas exports to Ukraine

Russian envoy cautions US on Afghan troops surge

Russia: Officials say 7 die in Caucasus violence

Nabucco shelved for 2016

HAHAHA Vlad loves Oily Opera.

Non-Muslim Communities In Tajikistan Not Re-Registering
DUSHANBE -- Tajik officials say the re-registration of mosques, churches, and temples in the country is proceeding well despite a lack of participation by non-Muslim communities, RFE/RL's Tajik Service reports.
Chinese Energy Co Ready To Invest In Tajik Hydro Plants

Talks on status of 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan
Igor no speak English so STFUpski
Neither Tajikistan, nor Russia comments results of these talks. According to the information, a principal decision on the 201st Russian military base was not made. It was decided that the talks on organization-staff structure of the base will continue.
On Web, Storeroom Crooner From Tajikistan Is a Star
Top Jimmy cooks, top Jimmy swings. He's got the look! Top Jimmy, he's the king.

Tajik Jimmy

Ethnic Uzbeks living in Turkmenistan are subject to routine discrimination, a human rights group asserts. Officially 9.2 percent of Turkmenistan’s population is Uzbek. However, many Uzbeks are renouncing their heritage in order to escape hardships associated with being a member of an ethnic minority group in Turkmenistan, the non-governmental organization Rapid Response Group Uzbekistan said in a report released on September 10."Since 2000, all the official paperwork of Turkmenistan has been translated into the Turkmen language using the Latin alphabet."Non-Turkmen, including ethnic Uzbeks, have been ousted from power structures with leading and prestigious posts," the report said. "Secondary schools and other educational institutions in the Uzbek language are [also being] closed."
Turkmenistan sees Russian gas deal in September

Medvedev heads to energy-rich Caspian region

Medvedev seeks to ease ties on visit to Turkmenistan

President of Turkmenistan goes to informal meeting in Aktau

Summit may reshape Caspian bloc
Informally, of course.

No Caspian matters to be discussed at Aktau summit
Only informally.

11 collectors discharge sewage directly into Caspian Sea
Informally, though.
“In connection with ban on discharge in the lake, many Baku settlements and industrial enterprises (including even the largest metallurgic factory Baku Steel Company) became to throw their waste products into Hovsan channel which delivers 1.5-2 cu m per a second of wastes into the Caspian Sea. Waste water is also being discharging through Zykh buildings into the sea. In accordance with official data, their uncleared flowing into sea makes 40,000 cu m per day, but in reality 120,000 cu m can flow into the sea,” source said. Hovsan channel has no real owner. “As a result, it will be turned out that there is no demand for Hovsan discharge sluice, which is planned to be built through sewage disposal plants. At the planned capacity of 800,000 cu m it will get 400,000 cu m at the best case, and the expected expenses on construction of the channel to the sum of $150 million will appear vain,” source said.


Uzbekistan Intends to Auction Seven Uranium Deposits

Wealth Gap Widening in Kazakhstan
No wealth for you. POTATO!

KAZAKHSTAN - Soyuz blasts off for ISS with circus founder

See the Glory of our Kazakh Cosmodome, cosmonaut proles!

Dozens dead in Kazakhstan blaze

Russia, Kazakhstan mull nuclear joint venture

Kazakhstan eying top spot in uranium output

Medvedev, Orenburg region governor discuss coop with Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan's Political Prisoner #1

HAHAHA silly blogger. Hope in one hand and shit in other and see which makes fullest firstly.
Today's Economist reports, "Starting this spring, an unprecedented wave of arrests of government and state-company officials and bankers on various charges--mostly corruption or embezzlement--has caused alarm. A number of people, fearing they may be next, have left the country. Some arrests seem unconnected with actual wrongdoing and have been widely attributed, including by Mr Zhovtis, to behind-the-scenes struggles among the elite."

There are two pieces of positive news, however. A support committee has been formed in Almaty, and they have already held marches and made efforts to have Zhovtis declared a political prisoner. There are reports from some of his supporters that Zhovtis plans to continue his human rights advocacy work from the prison colony. Secondly, it appears that the state may have begun backpeddling. Askar Shakirov, a government ombudsman, has reportedly asked the Supreme Court to treat Zhovtis's appeal to the conviction lawfully and with fairness. Let's just hope the presidency has realized its mistake and releases Zhovtis as soon as possible.
US Stocks Climb Most Since July, Led by Energy, as Oil Rises

Citi raises profit estimates on Goldman

Whitney Says Goldman Sachs Has 'Gas in Its Tank'

Guggenheim Hires Former Goldman Sachs Banker

Ex-Goldman Sachs VP takes risky leap into culinary school

I'm-ah da cheffa-da-future! Can it core a apple?

Goldman hires India analysts from rivals

Rupee opens at Rs 48.44 per dollar

According to Akshay Chinchalkar, BRICs Gilt Finance, the rupee is likely to appreciate on dollar weakness...
Emerging-Market Stocks Advance Most Since July on BRIC Growth

State kicks in $27M to keep Goldman Sachs in Utah
Hey I know! Let's give the Gold Man a State... hey... waitaminnut... never mind.

State oks incentive for Goldman Sachs
Incentive? Is that what they call it? I call it white man's jizya.

SEC Probes Manipulation by 'Advanced Trading Systems'

Cuomo Takes Aim at Bank of America's Lawyers

Con artists exploit the Recovery Act

NO! Unheard of! Absurd! How about the con artists who brought us the Recovery Act to begin with? They should take that frikkin' show on the road.

Why Wall Street Reforms Have Stalled

Mack Steps Down as Morgan Stanley Chief After Shying From Risk

Iceland bank inquiry sleuths forge close links

Iceland banks' fraud trails 'lead to UK'

Ireland could be Iceland without EU, says Euro chief
Yeah well pug mahoe to you too.

4 Rover Ex-Chiefs May Be Banned From Future Roles
The British government is looking to bar four executives from the failed automaker MG Rover from running other companies following the publication of a report into the collapse of Rover in 2005.
Bolivia's Morales seeks nationalization of soccer
All your balls are belong to Evo!

Bois Sauvage boss detained, shares suspended
The head of Compagnie du Bois Sauvage SA has been detained over alleged insider trading in Fortis and the company's shares have been suspended, the Belgian holding company said late on Thursday. The company is under investigation over 3.6 million Fortis shares it sold for 19.5 million euros ($28.4 million) on Oct. 3, just before the Netherlands announced the nationalisation of Fortis's Dutch operations, the first step in the group's carve-up. Bois Sauvage chief Vincent Doumier was taken into custody on Thursday on charges of fraud and insider trading.
Sector Snap: Diversified industrials rise

Bill Mott warns of mining bubble
Widely respected fund manager Bill Mott is worried a bubble is developing in the mining sector. The sector has been one of the biggest beneficiaries of signs of an improvement in global economic conditions and has also been a major factor behind the FTSE 100’s drive towards 5,000 points. But Mott, who manages the PSigma Income fund, struggles to make a case for a continuation of a strong bull run for miners. ‘[Economic] data is uncertain but there has been a large amount of Chinese re-stocking and we also know that there has been a large amount of speculative financial trading and we believe that a bubble is now evident in this sector,’ he said.
US proposes nuclear resolution at UN
We hereby resolve to lay down and die.

US official disavows 'artificial deadlines' for action on Iran
Susan Rice, US ambassador to the UN, sounded less strident Friday in addressing Iran's nuclear program than Secretary of State Clinton has.
Gee I wonder why?

Susan Rice on "Israel-Palestine"

Obama's UN Disaster: Susan Rice ~ The Woman Who Kept Bin Laden Free
This week, however, Rice emerged as a foreign policy advisor to the Kerry Edwards campaign, which is still reeling from revelations that another key advisor, former Clinton national security chief Sandy Berger, had stolen national security secrets.

Rice is also acting as the campaign's designated apologist for former ambassador Joe Wilson, the Kerry advisor whose claims that "Bush lied" about Iraq uranium were exposed as bogus by the Senate Intelligence Committee two weeks ago.

"As far as I know, we have no reason to believe that Mr. Wilson's words and deeds were not as he spoke them," Rice told reporters this week. "I have great respect for his integrity."

The same can't be said of Rice, however, at least according to several of her former colleagues, who say she deserves a hefty portion of blame for the fact that Osama bin Laden wasn't neutralized during the 1990s. "The FBI, in 1996 and 1997, had their efforts to look at terrorism data and deal with the bin Laden issue overruled every single time by the State Department, by Susan Rice and her cronies, who were hell-bent on destroying the Sudan," one-time Clinton diplomatic troubleshooter Mansoor Ijaz told radio host Sean Hannity in 2002.
Many New American Citizens Are Foreign-Born Members of US Military
Hmmm I wonder if General Dayton's Palestinian National Army was also given US Citizenship...
Since the terrorist attacks on the United States eight years ago, 52,000 foreign-born members of the American military have become naturalized U.S. citizens.
Potentially $120 million headed to SAIC via US Marine Corps

Court Rejects Suit Against CACI Over Abu Ghraib Torture
A federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit Friday against CACI International that accused the firm's employees of taking part in the torture and abuse of prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.
Weapons suppliers selling abroad
Yeah but which broad?
Arizona defense contractors have prospered from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan during the last seven years, capturing billions of dollars in Pentagon contracts for missiles, helicopters, soldier vests, radios and other equipment. The Defense Department's budget for fiscal 2010 is lower than the current year's funding levels and includes major cuts to larger scale missile-defense, aircraft and vehicle programs. That trend, combined with long-term plans to scale back the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has Arizona contractors increasing their focus on selling weapons internationally. OAS_AD('ArticleFlex_1') Demand for everything from upgraded missiles and revamped helicopter engines to body armor in India, Japan, United Arab Emirates and other nations could help the Defense Department's largest contractors - and some of the state's biggest employers - diversify.

West returns to pre-Sept. 11 thinking
You call this thinking?

Lieberman Gave State IG Whistleblower Documents on ArmorGroup in 2007

John Gorman, the former ArmorGroup Kabul project manager turned whistleblower whose allegations against the company I wrote about yesterday, met with aides to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) in 2007 to share with the Government Affairs Committee chairman his account of widespread fraud with the company State chose to protect its Kabul embassy.

CBS News confirms that Lieberman’s staff met with Gorman on Nov. 7, 2007. In a statement issued to the network, the senator’s office says it gave the State Department inspector general, Howard “Cookie” Krongard, a letter and supporting documentation from Gorman about ArmorGroup’s breaches of contract. It’s not clear what action State took in response, and I’ve asked for a clarification on that question. As it happens, though, November 2007 was a hectic time for the IG: he was about to resign his office after I caught him lying to Rep. Henry Waxman’s (D-Calif.) oversight committee about his knowledge of brother Buzzy’s position on the board of another State Department security contractor — Blackwater. But could the IG’s office have simply lost or forgot about the documents in the transition?

Shell CEO says price hikes coming, oil sands needed
Speaking at a Calgary, Alberta, conference, Voser added that the world will need the oil produced from Canada's oil sands but the country's government and oil industry have failed to make a case for exploiting the resource.
Boston Business Journal Honors Raytheon Partnership with Patriots
Glorious Scientific Corporate Citizenship Awardings Akbar!It always sounds so innocuous, and benevolent. I assure you however this is not the case.
The Boston Business Journal has given Raytheon Company and The New England Patriots the corporate citizenship partners of the year award for their “Science of Sports” program geared towards Boys and Girls Clubs. This program is under Raytheon’s MathMovesU initiative which works to engage students in math and science by combining these subjects with sports, fashion and music. The program ran for six months in which Raytheon employees would meet with mentees bi-weekly to work on sports related science projects. The program concluded in April with a “Science of Sports” Science Fair. The seven members of the winning team, The “Gearheads”, from the Lawrence Boys and Girls Club were each awarded a $1000 scholarship. Their project looked at how gear ratios affect bike riding.

LA's Homeleand Security Spending Spree

LA Airport official nominated to homeland security post

An official with the agency that runs Los Angeles International Airport and other local airports was nominated Thursday to a top federal homeland security post by President Barack Obama. If confirmed by Congress, one-time FBI agent Erroll Southers would become an assistant secretary of the Department of Homeland Security and help oversee the Transportation Security Administration. Southers is currently the assistant chief of the Office of Homeland Security and Intelligence in the Los Angeles World Airports Police Department. He is also an associate director at the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events at USC. Southers was previously Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's deputy director of homeland security.

Anti-abortion activist shot and killed in Owosso
Obama, however, did not send Federal Marshalls to protect the pro lifers like he did after Tiller was murdered. There were no howls of intolerance from the tolerant communities, and this will get filed along with the Frank Lombard story in the "don't suit the agenda" file

From Spleen reader Damien:
Heres a story from
He thinks that who ever committed the crime may have been out to avenge the death of Tiller. I also found this by clicking on one of the links in his story
Man holding anti-abortion sign shot dead

Clergy, nuns ask Bayh, Lugar to back climate bill
Great glow Ballin' green whores of Gramscian Churchianity, batman! And who are they appealing to but Lugar, Obama's Oymerikan KGB handler. OOoooOOo fah I need a drink!
U.S. Sens. Dick Lugar and Evan Bayh have received a letter from more than 80 clergy and nuns across Indiana asking them to support legislation to control the gases blamed for global warming. Keith Dobyns is an Episcopal minister and physician from Connersville. He says he and retired United Methodist pastor Dennis Shock of Carmel presented the letter in Washington Thursday to senior aides of Republican Lugar and Democrat Bayh.

Pastors from various Christians denominations, rabbis, Muslim leaders and Roman Catholic nuns have signed the letter. The U.S. House passed a bill this summer to set limits on greenhouse gases by 2050. The Senate hasn't acted.
Senators Near 'Closure' on Health Bill, Baucus Says
Closure. Fah shizzle mah nizzles.

Bill Viola Turns Down the Pope
ROME—Pope Benedict XVI has asked hundreds of artists, writers, and musicians to meet with him in the Vatican this fall in an initiative to rekindle “the special historical relationship between faith and art,” but at least one invitee won’t be there. Video artist Bill Viola has turned down the invitation because “he doesn’t agree with many of the policies put forth by the Vatican and the Catholic Church,” says a source at the James Cohan Gallery, which represents the artist.
Mexico charges Bolivian pastor in plane hijacking
Dude's a regular flying swami. LOL. You do not have to be a holy shaman to predict a large EQ these days...
"I am never going to regret it," Flores told Milenio Television Friday. "My intention was to do good, to announce, without regard to my life or liberty, that we should join together and pray for the earthquake not to occur.""I am happy because I know this is God's" work, he said as he was transferred to prison.He added that he's had divine revelations before and predicted President Barack Obama's election and Michael Jackson's death.
US Bishops Applaud Obama's Abortion Promise
Freakin' dupes & shills.

Man vs. God
LOL, this piece is hysterical. HEY good luck with that, all ye Mighty Mites.

Choose your afterlife
HAHAHA! Believe me, you do. Believe in nothing and you will have it, in abundance.
The Offer of Life or Death:
11 Now what I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you or beyond your reach. 12 It is not up in heaven, so that you have to ask, "Who will ascend into heaven to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" 13 Nor is it beyond the sea, so that you have to ask, "Who will cross the sea to get it and proclaim it to us so we may obey it?" 14 No, the word is very near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart so you may obey it. 15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the LORD your God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the LORD your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. 17 But if your heart turns away and you are not obedient, and if you are drawn away to bow down to other gods and worship them, 18 I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed. You will not live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to enter and possess. 19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Ecuadoran official accuses Chevron of 'interference'
AHAHAHAHA silly Ecuadoran official, naturally we have interference, we even have a private security contract between Chevron and your own Ecuadorian armed forces. Watch out we don't overthrow your ass.

Ecuador says had no role in alleged bribery case

USEC gets $1.2B order for uranium plant fuel

Uranium mill vote delayed after hearing

Uranium Demand Set to Outpace Supply

To da moon, Igor!

Free pills for thousands!

Free Pills? Woo-Hoo! BONANZA! What, no Viagra? No Abilify? No SOMA? Oh free anti-NUKE pills. Never mind.




Venezuela Earthquake Shock

Nicaraguan Volcano Spews Columns of Ash

4.8 Mb - TAIWAN




Kamchatka Volcano Erupts


Another earthquake (4.7) strikes Turkish town




5.1 Mb - VANUATU


Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Stone Age twining unraveled
Why people insist on assuming that all ancient people were idiots is beyond me. Of course they used fibers for sewing and other purposes. Wouldn't you?
New finds suggest that people used plant fibers for sewing and other purposes in western Asia by 32,000 years ago.
Temple facade shown on Bar-Kokhba coins

Synagogue From Jesus' Time Discovered

Ancient synagogue found in Israel
The synagogue was discovered in area called Migdal, historically an important settlement along the Sea of Galilee, which researchers say was mentioned in ancient Jewish texts as playing a prominent role during what is known as the Great Revolt, when Jews attempted to rebel against Roman rule. Migdal also figures in early Christian writings as the place where Mary Magdalene accompanied Jesus and the Apostles.
Photos of the synagogue finds