Meantime Arafat himself was a degenerate homosexual, you morons. GO BRUNO!
A Palestinian militant organisation that was ridiculed in the new Sacha Baron Cohen film has threatened to "respond in the way we find suitable" against the London-born satirist. The al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the armed wing of the Fatah movement, has condemned the film, Bruno, in which Cohen plays a gay Austrian fashionista, as "part of a conspiracy" against them. There was no comment from Cohen.Hamas court ready to receive case of Arafat's death
Arafat, the founder of Fatah in 1965 and the chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), died in a French hospital in November 2004 of a mysterious disease. Palestinians supposedly said he might be poisoned.
"We demanded to form an inquiry panel that follows up the case of assassinating late leader Yasser Arafat, but the authority in Ramallah didn't, although it was clear that he was killed," said al-Ghoul in a statement. Two weeks ago, senior Fatah leader Farouq el-Qadoumi accused President Mahmoud Abbas and his security aid Mohamed Dahlan of poisoning Arafat and killing him. Abbas and Dahlan denied el-Qadoumi's claims.
Former Top US Diplomat Meets With Hamas
It happened a couple weeks ago and I reported on it at the time but this is a new article on it.
Hamas Summer Campers Re-Enact Abduction of Israeli Soldier
How else can they earn their Kidnap a Jew badge?
US Woos Damascus by Easing Export Ban
Wooing and easing, oh my.
"We received assurances that the relations between the two countries should resume on the basis of mutual interests and most importantly on the basis of mutual respect," Syria's deputy foreign minister, Fayssal Mekdad, said Monday in an interview. "We really welcome such a new approach."US envoy encourages Arab countries on normalization with Israel
Normalization through dead Juden, my Arab friends!
Netanyahu meets special envoy Mitchell in Jerusalem
Mitchell tells Palestinians no deal yet with Israel
As always all hinges on the Mighty ChaChing
Arab moves toward commercial or diplomatic ties with Israel could help Netanyahu persuade partners in his right-leaning coalition to accept a compromise on settlements. But there has been little indication from Arab countries in the region they would make such gestures without a complete settlement freeze. At a meeting in the West Bank Monday, Mitchell informed Abbas there was "still a gap between us and the Israelis on the settlements issue," a Palestinian official told Reuters.'Obama is a racist,' settler rabbi tells protestors in Jerusalem
He is, and the Rabbi is right.
Among the speakers at the demonstration was Rabbi Eliezer Waldman, the head of the Nir yeshiva in the settlement of Kiryat Arba. "Obama is a racist," Waldman told the assembled crowd. "If he continues with his actions, he will bring about the disintegration of the American superpower."
Presenter, Man # 1Sikhs, Hindus dread Taliban Jizya in Pakistan
Yemeni authorities held what they called outlawed saboteurs responsible for the Abyan events. 16 people were killed in clashes between security forces and armed individuals in Abyan City in South Yemen.
Reporter, Man # 2
Calls for secession, demonstrations and killing can be found in Hadramout, Al Dalea’, and Lahiji. 16 people were killed and dozens of others were injured in Zinjibar, the capital of Abyan in armed clashes between security forces and supporters of the so called political mobilization forces in the south. Clashes took place after security forces tried to disperse the protestors in a festival that was called for by the southern leader, Tareq Al Fadli. Local media sources said that the security forces have attacked the home of Fadli with rockets propelled grenades. Armed forces from the southern mobilization forces managed to take control of some security units. Thousands of people have held a demonstration in Zinjibar demanding the release of detainees who were arrested on July 7.
It was there that Lashkar-e-Islam, a Pakistani Islamist group headed by Mangal Bagh, announced Sikhs and Hindus would be free to live anywhere -- as long as they paid jizya. But threats made the situation increasing tense. Hundreds of Sikh and Hindu families fled to nearby areas, especially Peshawar."Minorities in Orakzai and Khyber were warned by some militant groups to become Muslims or leave the area. This was a real threat," Singh said."They're running a parallel government.Five-day Islamic finance course in KL
Participants from 25 countries in the Organisation of The Islamic Conference (OIC) as well as Germany and Switzerland are attending the five-day course on the Fundamentals of Islamic Finance here. The course, which runs till July 31, is jointly organised by Islamic Development Bank and Bank Negara.Spanish Professor Awarded OIC Gold Medal
Long Marching with Gramsci's Whores of Caliph Fate!
Teacher of the Spanish Barcelona University Jose Belver Martinez was awarded the Organization of the Islamic Conferences (OIC) Secretary General Ekmelledin Ihsanoglu medal for his contribution to the development of history of Islamic culture, the OIC said. International Prize for the study of philosophy and history was established two years ago and is awarded every four years. Prize is named "Gold Medal İhsanoğlu" in honor of the OIC secretary general, a Turkish professor.
Iranian intelligence minister sacked
Smell the desperation... the purge is on
Two further ministers, holding the health and labour portfolios, are reported to have been dismissed as well, but Ahmadinejad's office said the reports are untrue.Mahmoud Ahmadinejad faces hardline revolt in Iran
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was facing a revolt by furious Iranian hardliners on Monday after he sacked a key conservative minister in an act of revenge.Iraq Digs a Trench on Syrian Border to Prevent Infiltration
Iran Sez: US should tell Israel to disarm
Iran's foreign ministry has said the United States should concentrate on getting Israel to dismantle its nuclear arsenal, instead of criticising Tehran's nuclear programme.Son Of Rezai Campaign Aide Reported Killed In Iranian Prison
Blasts hit Tajikistan ahead of Af-Pak-Russia summit
Prince Andrew is Now UK Special Envoy to Turkmenistan
UK Special Envoy for International Trade and Industry Prince Andrew, Duke of York, will arrive in Ashgabat on July 27, reported State News Agency of Turkmenistan TDH.Kyrgyz opposition in Russia after disputed vote
As part of his visit Prince Andrew will hold talks with the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss prospects of expansion of the bilateral cooperation in trade. Prince Andrew will meet with President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov.
Belarus President to visit Kyrgyzstan
MANG Squadron returns home
The group deployed to Kyrgyzstan for 206 days, providing security assistance for a US military baseU.S. Tajik Ambassador: U.S. Not Playing Great Game
U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan Tracey Ann Jacobson denied that Washington is involved in a new "Great Game" in Central Asia with Russia or ChinaToshiba Partners with Kazakhstan to Develop Rare Earths and Uranium
A Russian anti-corruption activist was attacked by a group of men who shot him in the mouth with a stun gun at the weekend, an opposition coalition said on Monday. Albert Pchelintsev, 38, is the head of "Against Corruption, Lies and Dishonour," a group which investigates corruption by officials working in the local government of Khimki, a town just outside Moscow's city limits.Russian Patriarch Visits Kyiv, But Motives Questioned
The Other Russia, a coalition of opposition groups run by Kremlin critic Garry Kasparov, said on its website that Pchelintsev was in hospital in a "moderately serious" condition. A band of up to five men attacked Pchelintsev as he was leaving a train and shouted: "You won't be able to speak out now for a long time," an environmental organisation for the Moscow region reported on its site, citing witnesses.
Gazprom expansion
Russian gas giant Gazprom has managed to make some significant overseas partnerships in recent months. It plans to assess gas reserves in Venezuela and last month announced it would invest $2.5bn in the unfortunately-named Nigaz joint venture with Nigeria's national oil company. Both raised concern in the west - the Nigerian deal with Europe, which has traditionally been the main source of foreign investment in Nigeria, and the Venezuelan agreement with the US government.Russian version of popular Czech song mocks Putin
Vladtwa upon you, no one mocks me. You will see.
~ Vladdestimo Badissimo Assthropicus
The music satire refers to Putin's recent visit to a Russian factory in a little town in which he prevents massive dismissals, and to his inspection in a supermarket in Moscow where he criticises the meat prices and makes the managers lower them.
Moldovan election seen as choice between EU, Russia
Three months after their country was wracked by violent post-election protests, Moldovans vote again this week in a tightly contested ballot that could see the ex-Soviet republic remain in Russia's orbit or edge closer to the European Union. President Vladimir Voronin, who leads the ruling Communist Party, has been campaigning on fears that the center-right opposition — which claimed April 5 parliamentary elections were rigged — might want to reunite the nation with neighboring Romania.Putin's visit to Poland confirmed... for now: PM
Moldova, one of Europe's poorest countries, was part of Romania until 1940."On July 29 ... you will answer this question: Should Moldova exist as a country, as a society, this wonderful and unique fatherland of ours?" Voronin, 68, said last week in an appeal to voters. Support for his Communist Party, which first won elections in 2001, has been falling in recent months — partly because of the fresh misery inflicted by the global economic crisis, and partly because of the ferocity of the government's crackdown on protesters.
Putin uneasy about visit to Poland?
Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin withholds his decision to confirm his visit to Poland until he is certain that nobody will blame Soviet Union for starting the World War II along Germany. Such words might be spoken during a 70 anniversary of WWII start in Westerplatte on 1st September - reports daily "Dziennik".Putin addresses Youth Groups Conference
Jewsus saves us from Putin Youth....
Vladimir Putin: My goodness there are a lot of you! Good evening!Further transcriptions from the Putin Youth fest
Representatives from a most diverse range of youth organisations have gathered here today. These are people who have their own opinions about the challenges we face in our country's development and in the development of science and education. These people differ in many ways. But there is something that unites us all. It is something that we have, you and I, inherited, and each one of us is a part of it. And that is, of course, our country. The Russia that we so love. And of course we love it! Of course we love it, and of course we want to see it become brighter, more beautiful, more bountiful, and stronger. And we know that we can make it happen. We also know it is no simple task. But it is our choice, it is a challenge that stands before us, and we will rise to it, won't we?
Why have we gathered here, at Seliger, this year? In order to support innovation, to support those who think creatively in beautiful, unconventional ways. Young people have always been capable of generating new ideas, of finding ingenious solutions to even the most difficult problems. And perhaps, that is why young people sometimes say that they know best. But perhaps, it's true? Perhaps, after all, they really do, because you are the most talented, and intelligent people, aren't you?
Forum participants: Yes! Yes!
Vladimir Putin: He recommends you.
Yasha Somov: He's put in a good word for me?
Vladimir Putin: He doesn't know about it yet, but he really wants to put a good word in for you.
California: Close to 1,000 workers will be laid off by the end of the month as a result of mediation talks breaking off between Chevron, the City of Richmond and environmentalists who successfully sued to stop an upgrade designed to increase efficiency and cut emissions at Chevron's Richmond refinery.Traders Blamed for Oil Spike
Headline whiplash... PRAVDA my Proples!
Now you tell me how TF this is possible:
Oil prices edge lower
Oil prices on Monday paused in their two-week rally, as stock markets dipped with mixed signals on the economy.
Oil prices edge higher
Oil prices on Monday continued their two-week rally after fresh data showed the economy may be improving, leading to more demand for crude.
I mean.... COME ON!
Ten steps to a new world order
I have isolated 10 events that are likely to follow if the Obama doctrine actually comes to pass. It is by no means an exhaustive list. I think it highly likely that the doctrine will become a reality – firstly, because the previous system was always flawed for the long term and secondly, if the Americans were to continue to consume as before, they would find the Chinese will impose the Obama doctrine on them by restricting the amount of money available for US markets.
At least three Nebraska lawmakers want to send a message to the federal government: Butt out of state business.Seven Charged With Terrorism Violations in North Carolina
The senators are working on resolutions asserting Nebraska's sovereignty under the 10th Amendment of the Constitution. Nebraska wouldn't try to secede from the union under their proposals but would go on record objecting to federal laws that they say go beyond constitutional authority.
“My goal here is to shine light on the fact that the federal government is overstepping its bounds,” said State Sen. Tony Fulton of Lincoln. “We would be making a statement on behalf of Nebraska.”
The tension between states' rights and federal authority has been a repeated theme in U.S. history, starting with arguments among the founding fathers. The struggle turned bloody when Southern states seceded, citing states' rights on the question of slavery, and the Civil War ensued.
On Wednesday, July 22, 2009, a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of North Carolina returned a sealed seven-count indictment against the following defendants:
All the defendants are charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, as well as conspiracy to murder, kidnap, maim and injure persons abroad.
- Daniel Patrick Boyd, 39, a U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina
- Hysen Sherifi, 24, a native of Kosovo and a U.S. legal permanent resident located in North Carolina
- Anes Subasic, 33, a naturalized U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina
- Zakariya Boyd, 20, a U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina
- Dylan Boyd, 22, a U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina
- Mohammad Omar Aly Hassan, 22, a U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina
- Ziyad Yaghi, 21, a U.S. citizen and resident of North Carolina, the online advertising network for Brand advertisers, today announced the hiring of Cindy Panchula as Vice President of Finance. Panchula joins from Goldman Sachs, where she spent more than 10 years, most recently as Vice President in Equity Capital Markets and Technology, Media and Telecom investment banking. During her tenure at Goldman Sachs, Panchula led IPOs for technology companies including Baidu,, DataDomain and VistaPrint and executed M&A transactions for companies including eBay, Hotwire and National Semiconductor.Gold Man got the Fang in Chinese Iron Ore
Reminder: Hopu is The Gold Man in China
Chinese iron ore miner Lung Ming plans to list shares in Hong Kong this year to raise up to $1 billion, sources said as reported by Reuters. The company is partly owned by private equity firm Hopu Investment Management and Singapore’s state investor Temasek Holdings. Lung Ming, which owns and operates a Mongolian iron ore mine, aimed to raise between $500 million and $1 billion and an initial public offering of shares was likely to take place in the fourth quarter, said the sources. If successful, Lung Ming’s IPO would be the first investment exit for Hopu, a $2.5 billion China-focused private equity firm run by dealmaker Fang Fenglei. “Lung Ming was Hopu’s first investment since its fund was launched and now it is going to be the first exit case for Hopu, so this will attract lots of eyeballs,” said one source.China Keeps Piling Up US Dollars
Stupid round eye capitalist Gwylo!
Where The Crisis Came From
The conversion of this investment bank into a giant hedge fund went unchecked by legislators and regulators, despite constituting a radical change to our financial system. And it has received billions upon billions in taxpayer bailout funding to keep it alive.New York regulators to cooperate with Thailand's insurance authorities
New York State Insurance Department and Thailand’s Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) signed a memorandum of understanding that enables cooperation on insurance-related issues, the latest in a string of cooperative agreements with foreign country’s insurance regulators.Global platform needed for Islamic finance
The pact binds the two offices so that they may help each other fulfill their regulatory mandates and functions by exchanging information concerning supervisory and regulatory responsibilities. Each regulator may request and provide information or assistance from the other about insurance activities.
“This agreement between Thailand and New York is important because both of our regulatory organizations share a strong commitment to safeguarding policyholders by ensuring the continued sound, prudent conduct of insurer financial obligations,” said Kermitt J. Brooks, acting superintendent for NYSID. “This agreement formalizes the efforts of our two organizations to work together, consistent with the G20 nations’ request for regulators to monitor global insurance operations more closely.”
Chantra Purnariksha, secretary-general for OIC, said the agreement between the two offices is a “timely response” to worldwide economic crisis.
“The global financial turmoil signifies the need for properly functioning prudential and supervisory systems as well as the need for increased supervisory cooperation,” she said. “It represents both parties’ joint efforts to cooperate and assist each other and will bring about mutual benefits and improved supervision of the insurance industry.”
New York regulators also have coordinated with their counterparts in the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Taiwan, Bermuda, France and Macau, and are pursuing agreements with other regulatory authorities, according to the department.
The growing Islamic finance and Islamic banking industry has produced a wide variety of new Shariah-compliant products and structures. The global Islamic finance industry, which has made tremendous developments over the last few years, is now worth more than $1 trillion and is growing rapidly. This has increased the number of Islamic banking and financial institutions, and also a variety of Islamic financial services products.
Rushdi Siddiqui, global head of Islamic finance and OIC (Organization of the Islamic Conference) countries at Thomson Reuters, New York, who was in the Kingdom recently, discussed a number of important issues with Arab News in an interview.
Obama Opens Policy Talks With ChinaObama did not mention directly the recent deadly ethnic unrest between Muslim Uighurs and Han Chinese in Xinjiang Province. But he noted that Americans "strongly believe that the religion and culture of all peoples must be respected and protected, and that all people should be free to speak their minds. That includes ethnic and religious minorities in China."
Perhaps mindful that Beijing does not appreciate being lectured on human rights by the United States, Obama added, "These are not things that we seek to impose. This is who we are."
Analysts said the United States seemed eager to play down areas of friction like China’s currency policy, in part because the Obama administration does not want to antagonize Beijing, its largest foreign creditor, when Washington is running a yawning deficit.
“This is not an issue that the administration is banging the table on,” said Myron Brilliant, senior vice president for international affairs at the United States Chamber of Commerce.
“Let’s be honest,” Mr. Obama said, “some in China think that America will try to contain China’s ambitions; some in America that think there is something to fear in a rising China. I take a different view.”
Ads use Obama as atheist role-model
Somehow I missed this at the time.....
American humanists are also saying Obama has scored a point for their cause — and they're advertising it with a prominent ad in both editions of the special inauguration issue of the Washington Post. The ad calls Obama: "Living proof that family values without religion build character."
The American Humanist Association, which took out the ads in Tuesday's Washington Post, said the campaign is based on Obama's own words in his 2006 book, The Audacity of Hope."I was not raised in a religious household . . . Without the help of religious texts or outside authorities, (my mother) worked mightily to instil in me the values that many Americans learn in Sunday school: honesty, empathy, discipline, delayed gratification, and hard work," says the ad, quoting the memoir."She raged at poverty and injustice. Most of all, she possessed an abiding sense of wonder, a reverence for life and its precious, transitory nature."
It's the latest high-profile message in an atheist advertising blitz that's grabbing global headlines.
I agree.
Atheist Bus Campaign rolls into the US Bible belt"Putting things on buses, as though that's going to make people somehow change their view about God, the universe, the meaning of life and so on," scoffed Taylor, a defender of religious faith and the recent winner of philosophy's two most prestigious international prizes following the 2007 publication of A Secular Age, his latest acclaimed critique of modern life.
"A bus slogan! It's not likely to trigger something very fundamental in anybody," Taylor told the magazine, the most widely read philosophy publication in the English language. "This new phenomena is puzzling -- atheists that want to spread the 'gospel,' and are sometimes very angry."
The bus company was threatened with legal action after refusing to carry an ad – You Can be Good Without God – created by local atheists, but capitulated days before a preliminary injunction hearing was scheduled in the US District Court, in the Southern District of Indiana.People of faith shouldn't be silent in face of attacks
We need to stop being silent. We need to fight for our religious beliefs and for our freedom from tyranny.Martial Law & the Militarization of Public Health
According Brig. Gen. Robert Felderman, deputy director of USNORTHCOM’s Plans, Policy and Strategy Directorate: “USNORTHCOM is the global synchronizer – the global coordinator – for pandemic influenza across the combatant commands” (See Gail Braymen, USNORTHCOM contributes pandemic flu contingency planning expertise to trilateral workshop, USNORTHCOM, April 14, 2008, See also USNORTHCOM. Pandemic Influenza Chain Training (U) pdf)Power Shifts in Plan for Capital Calamity
A shift in authority has given military officials at the White House a bigger operational role in creating a backup government if the nation’s capital were “decapitated” by a terrorist attack or other calamity, according to current and former officials involved in the decision.'Vibrant Response' to Train Troops
The move, which was made in the closing weeks of the administration of President George W. Bush, came after months of heated internal debate about the balance of power and the role of the military in a time of crisis, participants said. Officials said the Obama administration had left the plan essentially intact.
Under the revamped structure, the White House Military Office, which reports to the office of the White House chief of staff, has assumed a more central role in setting up a temporary “shadow government” in a crisis.
Consequence-management response forces, or CCMRF, are staging a training exercise beginning July 31 to prepare for potential domestic disasters capable of injuring or killing several thousand civilians.
The "Vibrant Response" exercise will be conducted by the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High-Yield Explosive, or CBRNE Joint Response Force, through Aug. 14.
"It's going to be extremely complex and require a tremendous amount of coordination with other agencies and locals at various levels," said Maj. Gen. John Basilica, commander of Operational Command Post 1, U.S. Army North. "It is all designed to test and challenge the headquarters and command in control elements to make sure they can work together to respond quickly, because speed is the most important piece of this."
Asia's Jarawa tribesmen under threat as tourism comes calling
Now a plan to build a luxury resort hotel for high spending holidaymakers at the edge of the Jarawas' protected forest has been seized on by campaigners for the world's few remaining "wild" tribes, to highlight the threat they face.More earthquake faults discovered at the Salton Sea
By bouncing sound waves off the floor of the Salton Sea, researchers have discovered more than a dozen previously unknown earthquake faults, leading to a new theory of how the ground is sinking and stretching near the infamous San Andreas fault.