Yeah? Is that right. Well how 'bout Obama should cede his left nut's sovereignty to the First Secular Church of the Uni-Testicular Glow Ballistic Collective. No? Don't wanna? Not gonna? Us either, ya long legged Mac Daddy MFer.
A think tank which is arguably the most influential in Washington is proposing an “interim” neutral administration to govern Jerusalem instead of Israel.Special Briefing by Farah Pandith, Special Representative to Muslim Communities
Two special!
QUESTION: Yes, Samir Nader with Radio Sawa. Congratulations on your position. Will you be responsible in charge of contacts with the Organization of Islamic States, or will – or is the Secretary going to appoint a new representative to replace Ambassador Sada Cumber?US: Bringing Syria in from the cold
MS. PANDITH: The OIC is under the International Organizations Bureau of the State Department, and I think you’d have to ask that question to Esther Brimmer, the assistant secretary. I don’t know the answer to your question.
QUESTION: But you are not – it’s not part of your responsibilities?
MS. PANDITH: No, no.
They like it.
THE OBAMA administration’s decision to send a US ambassador to Syria after an absence of four years rectifies an obvious vacancy. But the potential value of this gesture goes well beyond a circumscribed revival of US-Syrian diplomatic relations.Iran, Syria hold economic cooperation meeting
Saeideikia accentuated the establishment of an Iran-Syria joint bank which could prepare the grounds for the enhancement of annual trade between the two countries which is currently at $350 million.Iranian commander demands EU apology before any talks
Iran’s top military commander on Wednesday accused the European Union of “interfering” in Tehran’s affairs, and demanded an apology before any more talks on Iran’s nuclear program.Iran's Supreme Leader slams ”idiotic” comments by EU, US officials
Underlining the recent remarks made by US and EU officials on Iran internal affairs, Khamenei said: "These Officials made such idiotic comments on Iran as if they solved all of their problems and only Iran is their remaining issue, while they are unaware that wherever they put their political feet, that place becomes unclean for Iranian nation."EU considers pulling ambassadors from Iran
The Zionists did it. With the Jewdoo. From a Yeshiva in Brooklyn.
Iranian police arrests over 1000 during unrest
Six Protesters Hung in Iran
NYS Divests $86m From Companies Tied to Iran, Sudan
Mighty white of them. What took yez?
One of the largest institutional investors in the US, the New York State pension fund, says it's pulling $86 million out of companies doing business in Iran and SudanEADS (FRANCE) reportedly wins $2.8 bln Saudi border deal
European aerospace and defense giant EADS has won a deal for a roughly 2 billion-euro ($2.8 billion) border security contract with Saudi ArabiaBulgaria: “Alliance of civilizations” and the youth
Known as the Saudi Border Guard Development program, the contract will see EADS install radars and checkpoints along 8,000 kilometers of Saudi borders. Other companies in competition included French rival Thales, U.S. group Raytheon and Britain's BAE Systems
At the Second conference of the “Alliance of civilizations” in the spring in Istanbul Bulgarian president Georgi Parvanov said that Bulgaria is a country with a proven model for ethnic and religious tolerance. According to him the Balkans, up till recently known as a “powder-magazine” of Europe, are slowly changing their image.
"Since Obama replaced George W. Bush it has become much more important what the gentiles do than what the Jews say."
Why don't you ask your officers and U.S. General Keith Dayton what they say about our performance against Hamas in the West Bank? Ask Ehud Barak what he is doing to advance your commitment to remove the outposts and to freeze settlements. Even Ariel Sharon did not dare include this bluff about "natural growth" in the list of reservations he had about the road map.Abbas: Hamas hoarding weapons in plot to assassinate PA officials
Finally, allow me to give you a friendly tip: During my recent visit to the White House, I discovered that something substantive has changed in Washington: Since Obama replaced George W. Bush it has become much more important what the gentiles do than what the Jews say.
Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen)
News of Terrorism and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Overview :Chevron backs out of Iraq's oil auction
- Quiet in the western Negev continued this past week, and no rockets or mortar shells were fired into Israel .
- June 25 marked the third anniversary of the abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said that the news items regarding Gilad Shalit were incorrect and might even be harmful. He said that “the less we talk and the more we focus on action, the better.” Hamas statements indicated decreased expectations regarding progress in the contacts for his release.
- Fatah and Hamas reported progress in the reconciliation talks being held in Cairo , leading up to the Egyptian target date of July 7. The Palestinian and Arab media reported that both sides had promised to release detainees although new mutual detentions were carried out in Judea and Samaria and the Gaza Strip
Iraq – oil contracts
Today, Iraq celebrates a day which the Maliki government labeled, "sovereignty day". From the confines of the walled and heavily fortified "green zone", the Iraqi government has declared this day an official holiday. Outside the walled government, the Iraqi people rejoice and celebrate what many say is "Independence Day". Yes, independence day from the American invasion which has lasted 6 years and has caused at least 1, 320,110 Iraqi deaths. But, is the celebration a blessing for the Iraqis or a curse? What does it mean for the United States?S&T experts urge OIC nations to acquire emerging technologies
ISLAMIC SCIENCE on the rise!
Science and Technology (S&T) experts from the member states of the Organisation of Islamic States (OIC) have strongly recommended acquiring new and emerging technologies for rapid development in the region.The experts observed this during a conference on Science and Technology held recently at Demuscus, Syrian Arab Republic as a parallel to the 36th Conference of the OIC Foreign Ministers.OIC to build Islamic complex in Afghanistan after health centers
The conference noted with concern that the indicators related to the share of OIC member states in high technology exports amounts to only 1.5 percent of the world’s high-tech exports. These products are mainly produced by only three member states including Malaysia, Indonesia and Turkey.
OIC said that "the cost of the establishment of the center will reach US$ 1.5 million", financed by some Member States and by donors from the Islamic world.Plan For International Islamic Investment And Economic Centre At PKFZ
Raja Mohamad said he had been working, promoting and exploring the viability of the centre project, which he first mooted in 1991.In the footsteps of the mufti
He said that previously he had also considered the possibility of acquiring Menara Marinara here and converting it into an Islamic World Trade Centre.
"Understand, there are people who don't want us here because they believe we are living in, and occupying, an 'Arab' city, and are 'obstacles to peace.' These same people are convinced that we will sooner or later be expelled from Hebron and other communities in Judea and Samaria.
However, it's not easy to decree expulsion. Such actions are quite harsh, and not easy to implement. Therefore it is necessary to prepare the public at large psychologically for such a possibility. "The best way to do so is to vilify the future victims of expulsion, creating an atmosphere whereby it seems that 'they deserve what they get.' In other words, an attempt is being made to delegitimize us, depicting us as 'enemies of peace,' and as such, 'opponents of the state.' That being accomplished, it is much easier to throw us out of our homes, no questions asked, no holds barred.
Change is Here, Change is Coming
Change you can bereave in, tovarich!
Let me begin with a simple observation: If the last 30 years were an era of reaction, then the coming decade could turn into an era of reform, even radical reform. Six months into the Obama presidency, I would say without hesitation that the landscape, atmosphere, conversation, and agenda have strikingly changed compared to the previous eight years.US suspends military relations with Honduras
The Obama administration said Wednesday it has suspended joint military operations with Honduras to protest a coup that forced President Manuel Zelaya into exile. The U.S. withheld stronger action in hopes of negotiating a peaceful return of the country's elected leader.Obama extends trade terms for EcuadorThe Organization of American States, meeting in Washington, gave Honduran coup leaders three days to restore Zelaya to power — under threat of suspending Honduras's OAS membership. Afterward, several officials said the administration is still reviewing the possibility of cutting off U.S. aid.
Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, said, "We continue to monitor the situation and will respond accordingly as events transpire."
The Obama administration late Tuesday extended favorable trade terms to Ecuador despite a plea from Chevron. Ecuador will continue to receive duty-free treatment and other preferential treatment under the Andean Trade Preference Act, according to a release from the U.S. Trade Representatives Office. Chevron is fighting a class action environmental lawsuit in Ecuador.The President of Ecuador:
....a self-described "humanist and Christian of the left"
Rafael Vicente Correa Delgado (born 6 April 1963)[1] is the President of the Republic of Ecuador and a self-described "humanist and Christian of the left". An economist educated in the United States, he briefly served as Finance Minister in 2005; he was elected President in late 2006 and took office in January 2007. In December 2008, he repudiated Ecuador's national debt as illegitimate because it was contracted by military regimes, and pledged to fight creditors in international courts.[2]House Passes $550.4 Billion Defense Bill
The comprehensive defense policy bill authorizes $550.4 billion in budget authority for the Department of Defense (DoD) and the national security programs of the Department of Energy. Additionally, the legislation authorizes $130 billion in funding to support operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere in the Global War on Terrorism for Fiscal Year 2010.Federal Tech Czar Unveils Tool to Follow Tax Dollars
Today at the Personal Democracy Forum in New York City, Federal tech czar Vivek Kundra unveiled the new IT Dashboard at, which shows you exactly where all those sawbucks are flowing, in dollar amounts that could make you dizzy.US states face budget meltdowns
Job Losses Rise in June; Unemployment Reaches 9.5%
STFU! Fundamentally Sound!
To spite his face.
That's why I don't feel particularly sad that the Lenin standing on a central Kyiv street has literally lost his face. And left arm.Calling All Informants!
Two weeks ago RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service featured a video on our website about the statues, busts, and reliefs of Lenin that continue to live their lonely and forgotten lives in the courtyards of Kyiv's factories, production plants, and institutions.
Is the Russian Academy of Sciences soliciting informants to expose sinister plots within its ranks to falsify Russian history? This letter to senior staff of the Historical-Philological Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences -- which was obtained by RFE/RL's Russian Service -- seems to suggest they are.'Abuses widespread' in N Caucasus
Human rights abuses in the North Caucasus are disproving Moscow's claims the troubled region is returning to normal, Amnesty International says.In an assessment covering four of the region's autonomous republics, Amnesty reports serious violations including unlawful killings and disappearances.Russian corruption reporter dies from head injury
A local corruption reporter in Russia died of head injuries on Monday in what police said Tuesday was a drunken fall. Colleagues, on the other hand, are sure it was a revenge attack for muckraking journalism.Why Russia's latest Grand Inquisitor remains so popularVyacheslav Yaroshenko, 63, the editor of a Rostov-on-Don newspaper whose name translates as Corruption and Crime died Monday of a severe head injury sustained April 30.
Police say Yaroshenko was drunk and hit his head on the stairs, but colleagues claim Yaroshenko was attacked.
Experts Hope US-Russia Summit Will Bring Change To US Foreign PolicyAs Barack Obama packs his suitcase for his trip to Russia next week, he should bring along a copy of "The Brothers Karamazov." For the modern Russia of Vladimir Putin is still struggling with the same political riddles that Fyodor Dostoyevsky described 130 years ago. Human beings would happily trade their freedom for food and security, Dostoyevsky wrote in the novel's famous chapter, "The Grand Inquisitor." In place of this anarchic freedom, the Inquisitor offered the people "miracle, mystery and authority. And mankind rejoiced that they were once more led like sheep, and that at last such a terrible gift, which had brought them so much suffering, had been taken from their hearts."
There's a palpable sense in Moscow that Putin has brought "miracle, mystery and authority" to a Russia that was severely traumatized by the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s. The country is certainly less free than it was under Boris Yeltsin, but Putin is immensely popular - and nobody wants to return to the crazy, freewheeling time of transition.
Change we can breave in. Welcome to Oymeristan, Komrades!
Hopes rise for nuclear breakthrough on Obama Moscow visit
Poland seeks deal to boost Russian gas supply
NoooOOOooo Poland, NoooOOOOoo!
Poland hopes to sign an agreement with Russia's Gazprom by the end of August to increase gas supplies by 2-3 billion cubic metres (bcm) from 2010, a PGNiG official said on Wednesday.The Gazprom-Hungarian Gas Scam
That one's definitely a staccato hora
Gazprom Nigeria venture, Nigaz, stirs racism debate
Wassup my Nigaz?
~ Vlad
Russian energy giant Gazprom has inadvertently walked into an online racism debate with the announcement of its new joint venture in Nigeria -- Nigaz.
Uzbekistan received 7 points, which mean lowest level, in five of seven categories in the report."Executive power continues to hold the country under total control and while current regime remains the same, there is no basis to believe that this situation will be reformed. That is why rating on national democratic governing of Uzbekistan received 7 points," "Ozodlik" cited.Uzbek human trafficking scheme hits home
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan fear Taliban
Turkmenistan center of new gas war?
Dudes must be reading here....
Ongoing disputes between Turkmenistan and Russian gas giant Gazprom point to the growing struggle over Caspian resources, an analysis suggests.Russian, Turkmen leaders to meet amid gas row
Developing Competition Over Turkmenistan And Belarus
Kazakhstan: BTA Bank Debt Talks May Slow as Goldman Sachs Quits
Iranians walk when Peres speaks at Kazakh Koom Bah Humbug Ho Down
Iranian delegates walked out of an interfaith conference in Kazakhstan yesterday when President Shimon Peres got up to speak.President of Kazakhstan suggests creating Council of Religious Leaders
The Iranian delegation was headed by Mehdi Mostafavi, a senior advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. He returned to the room only after Peres had finished speaking.
That the speech would not pass smoothly had been clear from the moment the Iranians learned that Peres was to be the guest of honor at the conference: They promptly threatened not to participate at all. Not only is Peres not a religious leader, they charged, "he is a man of violence."
GOD save us from Kazakh councils of religious leaders...
Kazakhstan: State-ordered blogging
rOOse, a blogger on the blog platform in Kazakhstan, has posted [ru] a letter from the government to the principals of schools and colleges across the country containing recommendations to upload videos to the KazTube.Kz video portal, which was created in February 2009 at the expense of the state budget. In particular, the principals are urged to post videos about “significant events taking place in their institutions on a regular basis.”Kazakhstan joins with China to construct power plant in Tajikistan
Kazakhstan expands China oil pipeline link
BRIC ambition to form a new world order
THERE IT IS AGAIN! STFU, none of this is happening, you crazy ass spleen!
GOD OF STOCKS Chooses China as the WinnerCHINA, along with other emerging economies, is trying to shape a new world order -- or, at least, a new financial world order.
Last month, it joined three other major emerging economies -- Brazil, Russia and India -- in a summit meeting in Yekaterinburg, Russia. This brought together the world's two most populous countries -- China and India -- plus Russia, the world's biggest country in terms of territory, and Brazil, the largest country in Latin America.
These four countries, which account for more than a quarter of the world's land area and more than 40 per cent of the Earth's population, were first put together and labelled BRIC by Goldman Sachs in 2001. It argued that these four were all developing rapidly and, by 2050, they could eclipse the combined economies of the current richest countries of the world.
Interestingly, Goldman Sach's BRIC concept caught on and the four countries began to hold meetings at foreign minister level before moving on to their first summit on June 16. At the end of the meeting, they made clear that such summits will be held every year, with the next one to be held in Brazil.
Warren Buffett is no mere Oracle in China; he is the “GOD OF STOCKS” (usually translated this way, in uppercase). Buffett is probably the most popular American in China other than President Barack Obama. The Chinese don’t give a hoot about Obama’s politics; his appeal is his power, through which he, like Buffett, can make you rich. Faith in Obama’s ability to create wealth on a personal level is so strong that one Chinese author has even capitalized on it in a book: “Get Rich With Barack Obama’s Change We Can Believe In Principle.”Bank of NY Mellon eyes Russia, India, China buys
The Bank of New York Mellon, the world's largest custodian of financial assets, aims to expand in Russia, India and China, potentially through new acquisitions, a top executive at the bank said.Report: North Korea test fires four missilesRussia has already become the world's biggest net issuer of foreign-traded shares through the bank this year, while issuance in the developed world continues to stagnate or shrink.
"It's just going to be the BRICs that are growing," Senior Executive Vice President Karen Peetz told Reuters in an interview. "We are already large enough in Brazil, but not as large as we need to be in the other BRICs," she said.
Islamic banking is becoming increasingly accepted as a viable and fair alternative to the current "Western capitalist" banking system. European governments, including the UK's, are embracing Islamic banking.Bank Woes Deepening in Europe
Gordon Brown recently declared that it was his desire to make Britain the Islamic finance capital of Europe.
A number of leading UK banks now offer sharia-compliant financial services and the Treasury is considering the implementation of the sukok, or sharia-compliant, bond. Such moves fail to recognise Islamic banking for what it is — a modern Islamist construct, designed as another wedge between Western Muslims and their societies.
Britain's highest-earning rail line to be nationalisedFew people outside Belgium have ever heard of KBC Bank. But the travails of this lender, based in Brussels, highlight the broader challenges Europe is facing by not having more fully confronted the deteriorating health of its financial institutions.
Since October, KBC Bank has had to seek government relief three times. In all, it has received $41.5 billion in financing and guarantees to recover from disastrous mortgage bets that its financial engineers and traders made when times were good. For a bank with a balance sheet of just $425 billion, it is an astounding sum, exceeding the bailout of the Royal Bank of Scotland.
KBC is not alone. Souring loans and festering portfolios of securitized mortgages still plague a number of national banks.
UK: Government statement on east coast mainline nationalisation
US interest rates seen hinging on Fed's exit strategy
They have an exit strategy? Coulda fooled me.
Dollar's Yearlong Party Fizzles
The dollar's yearlong rally came to an end in the second quarter, as markets stabilized and investors moved dollars into commodities and emerging markets. There also was more fretting about the long-term prospects for the greenback.Goldman and Rolling Stone Writer Go to War
The dollar likely will continue to weaken as long as the world economy avoids falling back into the black hole from which it began to emerge in March. Investors who poured into dollars as a haven bet when the financial crisis struck last year unwound those positions and moved dollar bills from mattresses to stocks and commodities, especially oil.
“The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity.”Goldman Sachs CEO's best advice
Well, guess what. Those people who are subordinate to you—they’re talkin’ about you now. So whatever you did, however you behave—it may be over in your mind. But it’s not over in theirs. They’re still talking about you, saying, ‘He or she is unpleasant or thoughtless.’Gold Man Sacks and the Case of the Mistaken Twits
Grassroots organizations ACORN and are using Twitter as weapon to get Goldman Sachs to sign onto President Barack Obama’s new Making Home Affordable (MHA) Program. Except they got the wrong Goldman.Norway signs $675 mln loan deal with Iceland
SOOOooOOOOo Shmaaaat!
POWER POINTS: Cost Concerns Loom Over US Nuclear Revival
Warrantless searches: MySpace, Yahoo and ATTExpanding the nation's use of nuclear power is seen by many as a key component of any strategy to fight climate change, and utilities are lining up to provide it. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has received applications from 14 companies to build and operate new nuclear power plants. Energy Secretary
Steven Chu last week told utility executives that nuclear power, along with renewable energy and conservation, will be an important way to meet growing U.S. energy demand while cutting emissions of greenhouse gases.The companies behind these projects, including
Southern Co. (SO) and Duke Energy (DUK), are upbeat on their prospects, noting guaranteed long-term returns on investment and increasing acceptance of a need to replace coal-fired power plants and their emissions. History sounds a cautionary note, however. Nuclear-power plants under development in
Europe have come under fire for exceeding previously estimated costs, a fate that led developers to abandon several nuclear-power projects during the last U.S. nuclear build-out that ended in the early 1990s.
More examples of how "unusual & exigent circumstances" warrants to access private user information are being issued by CORPORATIONS not JUDGES:
We contacted MySpace claiming “exigent circumstances” for subscriber info and log in information for both MySpace using the users at they both had photos of the child victim on there pages with references to her being their child. MySpace responded to our request within 20 minutes and 45 minutes later we had the IP log-in info. Which came back with at least 15 different IP’s over the last 30 days, all belonging to ATT.In this case we have a pedophile as the perp and we all naturally say GOOD, go get the guy. But the point I am making here is that they can get permission to find you the same way. From a corporation, not a court of law. Now that's some exigent shit IMO.
Raytheon Pushes for More NCADE Funding
Raytheon wins $29m NASA contract
Eye Opener: GOP to Bachmann: End Census Boycott
Repeat after me: You do not have two parties.
Federal agents hunt for guns, one house at a time
Success on the front lines of a government blitz on gunrunners supplying Mexican drug cartels with Houston weaponry hinges on logging heavy miles and knocking on countless doors. Dozens of agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — sent here from around the country — are needed to follow what ATF acting director Kenneth Melson described as a “massive number of investigative leads.”
FEMA administrator meets with NYC Mayor BloombergRepublicans on the House Intelligence Committee are charging the Obama administration with playing a political shell game to continue funding for a controversial project in the district of Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa.
GOP lawmakers say the administration quietly decided this year to shift oversight and funding authority for the National Drug Intelligence Center away from the Intelligence Committee and place it under the purview of the House Judiciary Committee.
Homeland Security: Report Released Regarding Infrastructure Protection
The National Association of Chiefs of Police obtained this June 26, 2009 report on the day it was released to the US Congress. The following are highlights from that extensive report.....DHS will expand data collection on employees, contractors
The Personal Identity Verification Management System is being updated to support implementation of the Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 that covers physical and logical access to federal facilities. Public comment will be taken until July 27.US Homeland Security Chief Visits Spain
“Domestic Terrorists” Gear Up For July 4th Tea Parties
The majority of Americans—including the Obama constituency of Blacks, Hispanics, gays, feminists, and liberal pundits, et al.—are now having Buyer’s Remorse! The only people not cringing at every news cycle and weeping with regret are the radicals in Congress and the union organizers who hope to ride the Obama gravy train into the Socialist “paradise” they’ve been yearning for-- and planning—over the past several decades.WTF is an Information Dominance Center?
And no, AI does not work there!
Australia: Marquardt functioned as the government lead for technical activities involving the Information Dominance Center (IDC), a worldwide organization with responsibilities including counter terrorism, counter intelligence, counter narcotics and computer network operations. “The opportunity to bring my vast experience in the information technology field and apply it to the data fusion services PFI provides – combined with the opportunity to help guide the strategic decisions of the company – is exciting to me,” said Marquardt. “PFI feels like home."Information Dominance Center
2001: Rep. Curt Weldon (R) later claims that about two weeks after 9/11, he is given a chart by friends of his from the Army’s Information Dominance Center, in cooperation with special ops. The chart indicates various al-Qaeda cells that were identified by a military intelligence unit called Able Danger.What is IDC Futures?
- A partnership between Government and Industry to provide highly skilled contracted support to help the Information Dominance Center meet its goals and objectives
- A competitively awarded contract with aggressive small business goals and objectives in place for the next five years
- Access to innovation paired with the discipline to deliver against operational mission needs
It’s slowly starting to make the news, now. To be sure, the “mainstream” media is doing as little as possible to cover this heinous crime, but the new media is starting to make it know despite their efforts to promote their “objective bias.”Obama Won't Fight Transgender LawsuitI’m talking about Frank Lombard, Associate director of Duke University’s Center for Health Policy, and his despicable molestation of a 5-year old boy he adopted.
According to RPV Network, Lombard
was recently arrested by the FBI and charged with offering up his adopted 5-year-old African American son for sex to an undercover cop. Lombard admitted to molesting his own adopted son to the undercover officer in an online chat room under the user name “Perv Dad for Fun”. He invited the under cover officer to travel to North Carolina to rape his already-molested adopted son. Lombard faces 20 years in prison if convicted but is not eligible for the death penalty.
This is a video (see below) from a local newscast at WRAL; in case it doesn’t embed well, you can go here to watch the report. The video report says Lombard told undercover cops that he specifically adopted a black child because they are “easier to adopt” than white children. He also said that the abuse was easier to perpetrate when the child was too young to talk or know what was happening, and he had drugged the child with benadryl during the molestation. Lombard lived in the house with another homosexual, but waited until the partner was gone to perpetrate the abuse.
What a disgusting excuse for a human being. It doesn’t matter who did this to the child; it was extremely wrong. But as I alluded to before, perhaps because Lombard was a homosexual, the “mainstream” media seems to be keeping this outrageous crime very low-key…as they have done in the past when homosexuals have committed terrible crimes against children and other adults.
Research also indicates that the rate of molestation at the hands of homosexuals is higher than among heterosexuals.
The Obama administration has allowed the deadline to appeal a transgender ruling to pass, signaling it will not fight the lawsuit, the AP reported. Tuesday was the last day the Department of Justice could file an appeal in the half-million dollar judgment for Diane Schroer, a transgender woman who sued the Library of Congress after it rescinded a job offer.New chair for US Commission for International Religious Freedom
Glowballer Deluxe.
Mr Leo was appointed to USCIRF by President George W Bush in 2007. As a commissioner, he has travelled to Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Nigeria, Sudan, and Vietnam to assess religious freedom violations in those countries.Membership announced for new unity, faith and order commission
Mr Leo holds degrees from Cornell University and Cornell Law School. His experience with public diplomacy includes having served on delegations to the UN Commission on Human Rights, UNESCO, OSCE, WIPO, and the World Health Organization.
Mr Leo is a member of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, a Catholic knighthood founded in 1050 that today emphasizes medical charity to the ill and disabled. He also serves on a number of charitable and public policy boards, including Ave Maria School of Law and the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast.
More commietose Glowballin' whores of Laodicean Churchianity do the blabla
INDIA: Nationalisation of educational institutions
Don't think it can't happen here. It already has in all but name only. And do not forget the Obmanable Bushman loooooves him some Ghandi.
Israeli archaeologists unveiled one of the largest and best preserved mosaics ever found in the country Wednesday, for only the second time since it was discovered more than a decade ago.The 600-square-foot (56 square meter), 1,700-year-old Roman floor mosaic was found in 1996 during an archaeological dig in the town of Lod near Tel Aviv. It drew 10,000 visitors in the one weekend it was on display then, according to the Israeli Antiquities Authority, the government agency responsible for its restoration.
Stolen antiquity returned to Israel
The antiquity was returned after the authority received an e-mail from a clergyman in New York State saying that a member of his congregation confessed to stealing it from the site while an archeology student on an organized trip to Israel. "For the past 12 years since then, rather than remind me of the prayer for Jerusalem, I am reminded of the mistake I made when I removed the stone from its proper place in Israel. I am asking for your forgiveness," said a letter that accompanied the antiquity.
New Class of Black Holes Discovered
Astrophysicists identified what appears to be the first-ever medium-sized black hole, with a mass at least 500 times that of our Sun. Researchers from the Centre d’Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements in France detected the middling hole in a galaxy about 290 million light-years from Earth.Agriculture and Food in Crisis
“Could Food Shortages Bring Down Civilization?,” asks the title of an article by Lester Brown in Scientific American (May 2009). Just a few years ago, such a question would have seemed almost laughable. Few will be surprised by it today.Salt of the earth
Even Jesus advised his disciples to consume it: "Salt is good. Therefore, have salt in yourselves, and live at peace with one another" (Mark 9:50).Swine flu vaccine made in Europe
The Mighty CHA-CHIIIIIING commands you to panic.
Rare Declaration of Independence copy found
Uranium could be mined on the moon
VIDEO: USGS 'Nightshot' continues to capture volcano's lava activity
Strong earthquake rattles holiday island of Crete