Special thanks to infidel-4-ever, Yank in the EU, Former Belgian, kristian in Sweden, Meeks of CA, SpiritBraveHeart, Render and JHW for everything and thanks to Toby too, for the picture below.
Yes I just called Nazism a faith. The interconnectedness of disparate Nazi and Fascist entities worldwide is all very similar in structure to the widely scattered and diverse Muslim groups which we see now comprising the Global Islamic Jihad. Which is why this thing is so hard to quantify, identify and expose........ just like the jihad.
In my opinion the Fascist / Neo-Nazi white power jihad is not only a totalitarian political movement, it is definitively yet covertly religious. (see also here and here and here
Conversely the Islamic jihad is not only fundamentally and overtly religious, it is also a fascist political construct, hence the now popular term Islamo-Fascism. Remember, Mein Kampf translates literally to "my struggle" and Jihad also means "my struggle".
Use of the Swastika is legally banned in most of Europe hence the contemporary use of the Odin's Cross and the various Teutonic runes by white power terrorists in it's stead. In this post I will follow two of the white nationalist world's most universally used symbols, the "Life Rune", which is also the symbol of the Flemish Voorpost (Vanguard) and of course the ever ubiquitous, passed off as Celtic, Odin or Sun Cross. By their foolish use of pagan symbolism we shall know them!
Here we go:
Guido von List (1848-1919) was the first to combine German national socialism with the occult teachings of Theosophy. List discovered Wotanism as a young teenager, which is the worship of Wotan, Wodan, or Odin.
List became known as a national socialist guru guiding a renaissance of the glorious Aryan past in Germany. He was also a self-styled master of occult socialism, claiming to be "the last of the Armanist magicians who had formerly wielded authority in the old Aryan world". In 1908 List formed the Guido von List Society in part to promote his Ariosophist research and writings on the Armanen Order. He wrote extensively on these subjects as well as on the Runic Alphabet.
List's pet words (Ariosophy, Aryan, Armanist) all evoked his occult socialist ideas of an aristocracy of enlightened leaders and List's central goal of a super socialist man, or the superior socialist society.
Heinrich Himmler was born on October 7, 1900, in Munich, in the German state of Bavaria, the son of a schoolmaster and one time tutor to the Bavarian royal family. In 1917 Himmler was drafted but did not see frontline service in World War I. After the war he studied agriculture at the Munich Technical College. He joined the Artamanen League (as did Rudolf Hoess) and then, in 1923, the right-wing paramilitary Reichskriegsflagge through which he became involved in the Munich Beer Hall Putsch, initiated by Adolf Hitler, of November 9-10, 1923. In August 1925 Himmler joined the Nazi Party and from 1926-1930 was its deputy propaganda chief.
From WIKI:
Guido von List elaborated a racial religion premissed on the concept of renouncing the imposed foreign creed of Christianity and returning to the pagan religions of the ancient Indo-Europeans (List preferred the equivalent term Ario-Germanen, or 'Aryo-Germans').[5] In this, he became strongly influenced by the Theosophical thought of Madame Blavatsky, which he blended however with his own highly original beliefs, founded upon Germanic paganism.
Before he turned to occultism, Guido List had written articles for German nationalist newspapers in Austria, as well as four historic novels and three plays, some of which were "set in tribal Germany" before the advent of Christianity.[6] He also had written an anti-semitic essay in 1895. List adopted the aristocratic von between 1903 and 1907.
List called his doctrine Armanism after the Armanen , supposedly a body of priest-kings in the ancient Ario-Germanic nation. He claimed that this German name had been Latinized into the tribal name Herminones mentioned in Tacitus and that it actually meant the heirs of the sun-king: an estate of intellectuals who were organised into a priesthood called the Armanenschaft (Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 56).
His conception of the original religion of the Germanic tribes was a form of sun worship, with its priest-kings (similar to the Icelandic goði) as legendary rulers of ancient Germany . Religious instruction was imparted on two levels. The esoteric doctrine (Armanism) was concerned with the secret mysteries of the gnosis, reserved for the initiated elite, while the exoteric doctrine (Wotanism) took the form of popular myths intended for the lower social classes (Goodrick-Clarke 1985: 57).
List believed that the transition from Wotanism to Christianity had proceeded smoothly under the direction of the skalds , so that native customs, festivals and names were preserved under a Christian veneer and only needed to be 'decoded' back into their heathen forms (Flowers 1988: 16-17). This peaceful merging of the two religions had been disrupted by the forcible conversions under "bloody Charlemagne — the Slaughterer of the Saxons" (tr. Flowers 1988: 77). List claimed that the dominance of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria-Hungary constituted a continuing occupation of the Germanic tribes by the Roman empire, albeit now in a religious form, and a continuing persecution of the ancient religion of the Germanic peoples and Celts.
He also believed in the magical powers of the old runes. From 1891 onwards he claimed that heraldry was based on a system of encoded runes, so that heraldic devices conveyed a secret heritage in cryptic form. In April 1903, he submitted an article concerning the alleged Aryan proto-language to the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Vienna. Its highlight was a mystical and occult interpretation of the runic alphabet, which became the cornerstone of his ideology. Although the article was rejected by the academy, it would later be expanded by List and grew into his final masterpiece, a comprehensive treatment of his linguistic and historical theories published in 1914 as Die Ursprache der Ario-Germanen und ihre Mysteriensprache (The Proto-Language of the Aryo-Germans and their Mystery Language).
[SNIP]Thus in the course of uncounted generations all men will become Einherjar , and that state — willed and preordained by the godhead — of general liberty, equality, and fraternity will be reached. This is that state which sociologists long for and which socialists want to bring about by false means, for they are not able to comprehend the esoteric concept that lies hidden in the triad: liberty, equality, fraternity, a concept which must first ripen and mature in order that someday it can be picked like a fruit from the World Tree.[8]
The High Armanen Order (Hoher Armanen Orden) was the inner circle of the Guido von List Society. Founded in midsummer 1911, it was set up as a magical order or lodge to support List's deeper and more practical work. The HAO conducted pilgrimages to what its members considered "holy Armanic sites", Stephansdom in Vienna, Carnuntum etc. They also had occasional meetings between 1911 and 1918, but the exact nature of these remains unknown. In his introduction to List's The Secret of the Runes, Stephen E. Flowers (1988: 11) notes: "The HAO never really crystallized in List's lifetime – although it seems possible that he developed a theoretical body of unpublished documents and rituals relevant to the HAO which have only been put into full practice in more recent years".
Listians under the Third Reich
List died on 17 May 1919, a few months before Adolf Hitler joined a minor Bavarian political party and formed it into the NSDAP. After the Nazis had come to power, several advocates of Armanism fell victim to the suppression of esotericism in Nazi Germany. Among the Listians [14] who were subjected to censure were the rune occultists Friedrich Bernhard Marby, who was interned in Welzheim, Flossenbürg and Dachau concentration camps,[15] and Siegfried Adolf Kummer whose fate is unknown. He may have died in a concentration camp, [16] but at "least one report has him fleeing Nazi Germany in exile to South America." [17]
The main reason for the persecution of occultists was the Nazi policy of systematically closing down esoteric organisations (although Germanic paganism was still practised by some Nazis on an individual basis), but the instigator in certain cases was Himmler's personal occultist, Karl Maria Wiligut. Wiligut identified the monotheistic religion of Irminism as the true ancestral belief, claiming that Guido von List's Wotanism and runic row constituted a schismatic false religion. Flowers (1988: 35) writes: "The establishment of [an] 'official NS runology' under Himmler, Wiligut, and others led directly to the need to suppress the rune-magical 'free agents' such as Marby"
Yggdrasill, AKA Algiz, AKA The Man Rune, AKA Elk Rune, AKA Leben Rune /Toten Ruin
I have also seen it called the broken cross, the crow's foot, the witch's foot, the Nero Cross, the sign of the "broken Jew, and the "symbol of the 'anti-Christ''
Our rune, inverted in the death pose and encircled , is also called the "Peace Sign".
Overall it is known most commonly today as the Life (and death, when inverted) Rune and all the runes were created by Odin (Wotan).
The Life Rune is the signet emblem of the National Alliance, the Vlaamse SS, The Voorpost, The Lebensborn project and countless dozens of other historical Nazi and modern White Nationalist groups large and small worldwide.
Along with the Odhal Rune it appears to be the most popular rune in use today worldwide with white nationalists.
The Life Rune signifies birth, creation, death, rebirth and renewal. It is also said to represent security, protection and shelter and the womb.
Yggdrasill , in Norse mythology is the great "World Tree" whose branches and roots extend throughout the universe—the heavens, the earth, and the underworld. At its top sits an eagle, at its bottom a serpent, and between them a squirrel, breeding discord. It was prophesied that at the doom of the gods the tree would be destroyed. See Germanic religion
ROLAND RAES , at a recent Voorpost Reunion,
the Life Rune on the podium
BELOW: Shaun Walker of
National Alliance and the ubiquitous rune
Frank Vanhecke of Vlaams Belang,
2 weeks ago
I often go on bitter nights
To Wotan's oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union
The runic letter the moon makes with its magic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!
~ Adolph Hiltler, 1915
MARCH OF THE ODIN'S CROSSES (click photos for more links):
Flanders, 2007
"What we want is not to suppress other peoples. We want our freedom, our security, and the security of our living space. It is the security of the very life of our people. That is what we are fighting for! ~ Adolf Hitler." (21 - 27 July 1940)
Three to Watch: Populists of the Hard Right - New York Times:
From the outside, Dewinter’s English-style-cottage home looks like the others that fill the suburbs around Antwerp — if you overlook the 15-foot sign featuring a clenched fist and the exhortation “Beat corruption, vote Vlaams Blok.” Inside, his two youngest daughters are playing with dolls in a cheerfully sunny playroom. Dewinter’s wife, Lutgarde, and their oldest daughter are running late, returning from a Flemish youth club. He really is, as many friends say, a doting father, the flip side to his tough image.
One needn’t look very hard, however, to find clues as to why Belgian authorities are so leery of him. On one of his bookshelves is a heavy marble sculpture of the Celtic cross, adopted by some neo-Nazis as their version of the swastika. On a dresser, a photo of the French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen mingles with those of Dewinter’s wife and kids. For Dewinter, Le Pen is like family, a father figure even.
When Friends Attack
About Vlaams Belang and Sweden Democrats
Sweden Democrats Document Dump
Islam in Europe: ‘This Isn’t Going to Be Pretty’
Videos: Vlaams Belang and Vlaams Blok
Vlaams Belang Leader Interviewed
Vlaams Belang and the US White Supremacist Cesspool
Wednesday Night Link Depot
’Repugnant?’ Yes, That’s What I Wrote
Now is DeWinter of Our Discontent
The Mask Comes Off at Brussels Journal
A Nuanced Look at Brussels Journal’s Latest Claim
WN Weapons of Mass Deception
Sources for Pim Fortuyn ‘Fascist’ Quote
A White Power Rat in the Vlaams Belang Youth Magazine
White Revolution My Ass.
It is from the VBJ (Vlaams Belang Jongern = Vlaams Belang Youth) site and is also promoted at the VB site. In the video you can see at -8:55 the Odin's cross advertising the "Festival van de Rechtse Film" in 1989.