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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

RIP Jerry Falwell: You were right. Tinky Winky IS a raging queen.

Yes. Everyone made fun of him... but he was right.

They ARE brainwashing your children, and you attention to the nuances and subtleties in language and images in all your children's television programs.

Don't just stick them in front of the TV because you have other shit to do and you can't be bothered ~ you will raise a stranger with strange socialist ideas and you will wonder where the hell they got them from. Wake up. It is your responsibility to make certain what you child sees and hears and learns is in line with the Word of GOD, YOUR responsibility and and no one else's.

BTW I saw an episode with the purse recently, they refer to it as "He & Him" as he gets his purse, there is also an episode with a Tu-Tu where it is made certain that this large sexless purple thing is referred to as He & Him repeatedly. Definitely intentional. Why sex the creature at all the show is for very small children, they need to know it's a he? And if you are making it do feminine things to not call it a she is obviously the evidence of agenda.

Straight From the Gay Horses Mouth: from "Queer Christians": Is Tinky Winky gay? The sexual preference of Tinky Winky, the largest of the four Teletubbies characters on the series that airs in America on PBS stations, has been the subject of debate since the series premiered in England in 1997. The character, whose voice is obviously that of a boy, has been found carrying a red purse in many episodes and has become a favorite character among gay groups worldwide.

Now, further evidence that the creators of the series intend for Tinky Winky to be a gay role model have surfaced. He is purple -- the gay-pride color; and his antenna is shaped like a triangle -- the gay-pride symbol. Parents Alert from February 1999 issue of Jerry Falwell's National Liberty Journal Dr Falwell responded to media criticism with a Press Statement which included the following: Dr. Falwell has never seen the teletubbies' TV program. Dr. Falwell has never commented in any way on the teletubbies. He did not "out" Tinky Winky.

Dr. Falwell is publisher of the National Liberty Journal (NLJ).
"This harmless-looking character carries a red patent leather purse and has a triangle, the recognized symbol of the homosexual-rights community, on his head." 12 February 1999 edition of Falwell Confidential

"It’s a great message to kids . . . not only that it’s OK to be Gay, but the importance of being well accessorized."

Is that right. Wow.


In 2002, Dr. Falwell was interviewed for a segment that 60 Minutes was doing on Christian Zionism. With all of the challenges facing Christians in those days, Dr. Falwell made his top priority crystal clear. He looked in the camera and declared:

There’s nothing that would bring the wrath of the Christian public in this country down on this government like abandoning or opposing Israel in a critical matter.

UPDATE: Video Clip of Falwell on 60 minutes

And for that, GOD BLESS YOU, & RIP Jerry Falwell.

Time to get Wrathful, Christian Zionists.

We ARE abandoning Israel as I type this to you.


I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.

~ Genesis 12:3