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Saturday, May 19, 2007


The following two pages from a pamphlet published in 2001 illustrate the indoctrination received at the centers for Qur’an memorization. It was published by one of the Qur’an memorization centers and found in the offices of the Ramallah-Al-Bireh Charity Committee
( January 20, 2004)

The pamphlet is entitled Thirty Ways to Enter Heaven [taken from] the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The fifth way appears on pages 8 and 9:

"Jihad for the sake of Allah by fighting for Allah with one’s soul and money.”

What Drives Saudi Arabia to Persist in Terrorist Financing?

Al-Jihad bi-al-Mal - Financial Jihad Against the Infidels
Lt. Col. Jonathan D. Halevi

The U.S. offensive against terrorism has succeeded in reducing the extent of global terrorism. However, under the surface, the financial channels that are the arteries of radical Islamic movements from Hamas to the Chechens continue to operate. U.S. pressure has managed to force Islamic financiers to alter their pattern of operations, but the substance of their support persists - in a financial jihad that backs the wider global jihad against the infidels.

Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states remain the most significant source of funds flowing to the Islamist movements. New documents found at "charitable foundations" linked to Hamas, as well as a careful examination of the Palestinian press, indicate a continuing flow of funds directly from official Saudi organizations to these foundations, which were declared by both Israel and the U.S. as terrorist organizations.

Palestinian Authority officials recently confirmed that Saudi Arabia continues to fund charitable foundations controlled by Hamas. The World Assembly for Muslim Youth (WAMY) and the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) are active in transferring these funds. Captured documents show that the Saudi charity al-Haramain transferred funds to the al-Quran and a-Sunna Society in Qalqilia in August 2003 - almost two months after President George W. Bush announced in a summit meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, that he had assurances from Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Abdullah and other Arab leaders that they would halt all financial assistance to terrorist organizations.

In a later captured document, dated 8 February 2004, the Hamas-linked Idhna foundation in the Hebron area thanked al-Haramain for its assistance. The chairman of the al-Haramain administrative council was the Saudi Minister of Islamic Affairs, a member of the Saudi cabinet.

The financial support funneled to Hamas charitable societies under the heading of "humanitarian aid to the needy" is part of a financial jihad, subsidizing the military operations of the terrorist group. The Hamas civilian infrastructure is comprised of economic, educational, and social institutions that serve the terrorist wing. Intelligence services should devote more attention and resources to uncovering how terrorist organizations avoid international control mechanisms by operating through "innocent" front groups. Western financial institutions must not allow the transfer of funds that nourish the global jihad.


A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America

A group aiming to create Islamic states worldwide has established roots here, in large part under the guidance of Egyptian born Ahmed El - Kadi

Project Permalink ~ The Muslim Brotherhood Project

More on Ahmed El-Kadi (who by the way I think is crazy like a fox, dementia my ass)

All the SOURCE links are dead , I found this snippet HERE

The Islamic Society of Boston has raised about half of the $14 million it needs to complete the new Mosque. The bulk of the money has been raised from individuals in foreign countries, especially Saudi Arabia Abou-Allaban said.

Abou-Allaban lawsuit cited a November 2004 report from a "sole source," Dr. Ahmed Elkadi, who was president of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States between 1985 and 1995.

His lawsuit charges that Elkadi was severely impaired with dementia - resulting from cerebral infarctions and a hemorrhage - at the time of his interview with the Fox network local affiliate when he identified Alallaban as a member of the terrorist group the Moslem Brotherhood.

This was no unlike the Soviets locking up those who threatened them in mental hospitals. This coming from a Dr. Alallaban, a psychatrist with a history of malpractice

Ahmed Elkadi, was leader of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood . He is an Egyptian-born surgeon and a former personal physician to Saudi Arabia's King Faisal. He headed the group from 1984 to 1994 but abruptly lost his leadership position and as a result turned rat.

Earlier this year he was diagnosed with a neurological disorder that affects motor skills, speech and memory. He often has difficulty expressing himself and seldom speaks more than two sentences at a time. Sometimes, he says, he smiles for no reason other than to try to remain cheerful.

How the West Came To Run Islamic Banks
Giants like Citigroup dominate the sector, through Islamic subsidiaries and hired Sharia scholars.


A historic gathering aimed at expanding and regulating the Islamic banking system in the face of American opposition, was recently held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Gamal Essam El-Din attended:


In order to maintain this robust growth in the face of US hostility, Islamic banks in nine major Muslim countries have set up the Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB). On 3 November, the Malaysian prime minister, Dr Mahathir Mohamed officially launched the IFSB as a de facto
Islamic Central Bank, globally regulating institutions offering Islamic financial products.


Islamic Banks: A Novelty No Longer
Lenders that avoid charging interest, in line with Koranic rules, are spreading -- even among Western institutions

Lloyds launches sharia business account
Podcast: Islamophonic, the Guardian's Muslim podcast, looks at the issue of sharia compliant banking. Click here to listen

Islamic banking has grown out of its niche status, and it's about time that international markets and regulators took notice


Exploring Islamic Banking

All-Huda Center of Islamic Banking and Islamic Economics

Priorities of The Islamic Movement in The Coming Phase
by Yusuf al-Qaradawi