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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cultural Suicide Watch - Amnesty

In the video below policy expert
Robert Rector describes how the Bush/Kennedy/McCain amnesty for illegal immigrants scheme will result in up to 200 million additional immigrants to the United States within just 20 years. Mr. Rector is the person who did the research and discovered the shocking facts about the amnesty bill which began the massive citizen opposition to any form of amnesty, guest worker program, or other means for promoting massive immigration. Americans made it clear they want a 2,300 mile fence and a stop to all illegal immigration. The Bush policy of allowing virtually unlimited border crossings and pushing for amnesty is related to the greater agenda of merging America, Mexico, and Canada into one giant socialist "North American Union". This is an edition of Conservative Roundtable, the nationally broadcast conservative television program hosted by Howard Phillips, and produced by The Conservative Caucus.

President Bush used his first post-election news conference to announce that working with Democrats on an amnesty plan is "on my list of things that we need to get done."

Amnesty On Lou Dobbs:

Minuteman Founder Jim Gilchrist re:Amnesty on the Dennis Miller show (audio only)


Immigration Economics
Some African-Americans say that illegal immigration hurts the black community

5 Big Problems With The Senate's Amnesty Bill