Behold! Verily I say unto you that the Islamic beast will ride the Gramscian Whore straight into the abomination that cause desolation!
Solana to Visit Middle East on Monday
"Solana's office added that the EU Chief would meet the Secretary- General of the Arab League, Amr Mosa and discussed the developments of the general situation in the region and the means for pushing peace process forward."
Other panellists this afternoon included author on religion and television broadcaster, Karen Armstrong, and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Amre Moussa. Ms. Armstrong said that the world needed to listen to the underlying text put forth by religious extremists, which, once decoded, would shed light on any anxieties they might carry. A new kind of religious discourse was needed, based on compassion and the golden rule: Do unto others what you would have done unto you?
It would enable a dialogue between peoples, in which parties did not simply impose their points of view on one another, but had a willingness to be transformed. That was a necessity in a globalized world, where events in Iraq, Gaza and Afghanistan had repercussion as far away as London, New York and Washington, D.C. Indeed, religion was at the heart of various great world traditions and should not be ignored.
Mr. Moussa proposed that the meeting recommend to the Security Council that it deal with the clash of civilizations, which he saw as a struggle between the West and Islam. He said it was his belief that the conflict had its roots in politics.
KAREN ARMSTRONG, author and television broadcaster, argued that the level of violence seen in the world was not caused by religion, but was rather the result of an uneven distribution of power in the world, which, in turn, was spurred by ongoing rumblings of unresolved conflict.
Indeed, most world religions had begun as a recoil from the chauvinistic conviction that our way of life was more valuable than anybody else's. But, today's political horrors had given rise to expressions of discontent through religion. For instance, she observed that the three major religions -- Judaism, Christianity and Islam -- were rooted in a dread of annihilation.
For example, it was a common view of Protestant Christians that the liberal society wanted to wipe them out? or, in the case of Islam, that western mores were a lethal assault on Islamic societies. When attacked, such people became ever more extreme."
In the ensuing discussion, Jorge Sampaio, the Secretary-General's High Representative of the Alliance of Civilizations, urged the world to challenge the idea that civilizations were doomed to confrontation and war. He was currently developing an action-oriented strategy to promote better understanding and interaction in the world of politics and religion, and to ensure that such understanding was reflected in global diplomatic efforts and political decisions.
Cross-cultural dialogue was essential, yet insufficient as a means to cement an alliance between civilizations; political action was required to break the cycle of misunderstanding. Participants also stressed the need to resist the use of religion for political purposes, and urged one another to remember that injustice was at the root of most conflicts and not religious differences. One delegate suggested that the growing North-South divide was the real problem, as opposed to a gap between civilizations, requiring a rebalancing of power within the United Nations itself.
Nevertheless, many people agreed that religion was a serious factor in most of the world?s current problems, and that some form of synchronization was needed among the different religious groups. A few delegates echoed Mr. Moussas suggestion that the Security Council take up the question of clashes between major civilizations, with some saying that the Security Council needed to be enlarged to reflect current realities, rather than remain stuck in the past.
But one delegate cautioned against an encroachment by the Security Council on the General Assemblys terrain, saying that some issues --such as global warming, human rights, and indeed, the clash of civilizations -- needed to remain in the most democratic organ of the United Nations, which was felt to be the General Assembly. Spain's representative said his country would host the first world forum on the alliance of civilizations before the years end.

Former Portuguese President Chosen as UN Envoy to Alliance of Civilizations
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today appointed the former Portuguese president Jorge Sampaio as the first United Nations High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations, the international initiative set up in 2005 to promote reconciliation between religions, cultures and nations.
Mr. Ban designated Mr. Sampaio in the post after consulting with Spain and Turkey, the co-sponsors of the Alliance, which was created to try to tackle fear and suspicion, bridge divides and overcome prejudices and polarizations between Islam and the West. "The High Representative will provide the vision and leadership required, especially to promote the Alliance of Civilizations as a credible and viable attempt to diminish the dangerous tensions between diverse societies and their threat to international stability," Mr. Ban's spokesperson Michele Montas told reporters.
Last year the Alliance's High-Level Group issued a report calling for a series of measures in education, media, youth and migration to build bridges between different communities and promote a culture of respect. It also recommended the creation of a High Representative post to assist the Secretary-General to try to defuse crises that arise at the intersection of culture and politics, along with measures aimed at restarting the Middle East peace process and encouraging political pluralism in Muslim countries.
Spain and Turkey set up the Alliance amid concern that events in recent years have exacerbated mutual suspicions, fears and misunderstandings between Islamic and Western societies, and that a new global effort is necessary to overcome those divisions. Mr. Sampaio, 67, served as Portuguese president from March 1996 to March 2006. He served also as former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan's Special Envoy to Stop Tuberculosis (TB). Mr. Sampaio previously held numerous public offices, including Mayor of Lisbon in 1989, Member of Parliament and member of the European Human Rights Commission of the Council of Europe.