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Monday, January 31, 2011

National Brotherhood Week

How long will you people
turn my glory into shame?
How long will you love delusions
and seek false gods ?
~ Psalm 4

Dr. Arash Irandoost
A Message to the Egyptian People
January 31, 2011

On the other hand, there is the Muslim Brotherhood. They are much akin to Khomeini who promised us reform but never delivered. Iranian lobbyists and organizations such as CAIR are serving as the mouthpiece for them to convince the world that they are the only option to bring democracy and stability to the region. Much like Marxists and the Tudeh Party served as the mouthpiece for Khomeini with similar message. They are intentionally quiet and the liberal leaning Western media is not talking about them, since the ordinary freedom fighting Egyptians are doing their dirty work for them, for now. But soon, their ugly head will rear itself. President Obama's measured speech, reiterated by Secretary Clinton and Senator John Kerry clearly show which side they are on. Wikileaks documents clearly show that the United Stated has been behind the uprising.