1. For silver has a mine, and gold has a place where it is refined. |
| א. |
2. Iron is taken from earth and copper is smelted from stone. |
| ב. |
3. He made an end to darkness, and every end He fathoms-a stone of darkness and the shadow of death. |
| ג. |
4. A stream burst forth from the place of its flow; those who cause the foot to be forgotten are removed, yea, from man they are lifted up. |
| ד. |
5. A land from which bread emerged, and its place was as though turned into fire. |
| ה. |
6. Its stones [were] a place of sapphire, and it had gold dust. |
| ו. |
7. A path unknown to brigands and which the eye of a vulture did not see. |
| ז. |
8. Proud beasts did not tread it, neither did a lion pass by it. |
| ח. |
9. He stretched His hand upon the flinty rock; He turned it over from the root of the mountains. |
| ט. |
10. In the rocks, He split rivers, and His eye saw all precious things. |
| י. |
11. He bound up the depths of the rivers, and [from] Taalumah He brings out light. |
| יא. |
12. But wisdom-whence will it be found, and where is the place of understanding? |
| יב. |
13. No mortal knows its value, and it will not be found in the land of the living. |
| יג. |
14. The deep says, "It is not in me," and the sea says, "It is not with me." |
| יד. |
15. Fine gold cannot be given in its place, neither can silver be weighed out as its price. |
| טו. |
16. It cannot be praised with jewelry of Ophir, with precious onyx and sapphire. |
| טז. |
17. Neither gold nor glass can equal it, nor is a pure golden vessel its exchange. |
| יז. |
18. Coral and crystal cannot be mentioned, and the striving for wisdom [is more precious] than pearls. |
| יח. |
19. The topaz of Kush cannot equal it; it cannot be praised with jewelry of pure gold. |
| יט. |
20. Now whence does wisdom come, and where is the place of understanding? |
| כ. |
21. It is hidden from the eyes of all living, and it is concealed from the winged creatures of the heavens. |
| כא. |
22. Destruction and death said, "With our ears we heard its report." |
| כב. |
23. God understood its way, and He knew its place. |
| כג. |
24. For He looks to the ends of the earth, and He sees under all the heavens. |
| כד. |
25. To make a weight for the wind, and He meted out the water with a measure, |
| כה. |
26. when He made a decree for the rain and a way for the clouds [and] the thunders. |
| כו. |
27. Then He saw and counted it, prepared it, yea, searched it out. |
| כז. |
28. And He said to man, 'Behold, the fear of the Lord is wisdom and shunning evil is understanding.' " |
| כח. |