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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Floatin' Powa News Service: We The Inappropriate...


Netanyahu plans major policy speech next week
Watch out they don't have a coma hiding somewhere for you too, BiBi.

Johnny Mc T: The End of America
From the June 1st Entry:

The official position of America is to divide Jerusalem and exalt homosexuality world-wide.

This is what the Bible identifies as an Ordinance of the Amorites which triggers God's judgment on a nation. June starts off with the US government exalting homosexuality and Obama addressing Islam from Egypt which may be the platform for his attack on Israel.

Let's see how this month ends.
America is now challenging God at every turn.
Dr. Paul Williams: Obama Bombs American History 101
Sorry, Barack Hussein, but there were no Muslims among the passengers on the Mayflower or the settlers at Jamestown. Muslims were conspicuously absent from the ranks of George Washington’s Army of the Revolution and played no role in the creation of the American republic - - save for the fact that the new country’s first declaration of war was against the forces of Islam in the form of the Barbary pirates.
Dr. Paul Williams:
Obama, Settlements, and the Missing Two-State-Solutions
What a difference 27 years makes....
President Ronald Reagan, September 1, 1982:

“In the pre-1967 borders, Israel was barely 10-miles wide…the bulk of Israel’s population within artillery range of hostile armies.

I am not about to ask Israel to live that way again.“
And Now... A Word From Dr. Morey:
Hi, this is Dr. Bob Morey!

Do you want the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? Or do you want politically correct, weak-kneed, water down "evanjellyfish" nonsense?

If you want the truth you've come to the right place. I am committed, God willing, to share with you God's truth concerning contemporary events. This sometimes lands me in a lot of trouble.

But "trouble" was the middle name of the prophets the apostles, and our Lord Himself! Welcome on board, hang on for the ride of your life, let the reformation begin!

Jordan's King Abdullah (L)
welcomes Iraq's General Ahmed Dahan
at the official inauguration of the
King Abdullah Special Operations Training Centre
in Amman Jordan May 19, 2009.
That's right. You heard me.

Palestinian minister: Jerusalem construction may spark another intifada
Which fucking intifada are we on now anyway, the eleventy twelfth forty mizzilionth tooty tooth, or what?
Khatem Abdel Kader tells Ynet Obama administration understands implementation of Israel's plans in Jerusalem 'jeopardizes establishment of Palestinian state,' which he says is 'vital to US national-security interests'
Mitchell on his way to Israel to Caliphellate the enemies of GOD and Mankind:
U.S. envoy George Mitchell may visit Syria next week as part of Middle East trip, a stop that would suggest a further improvement in long-strained U.S.-Syrian ties, the U.S. State Department said on Friday.Relations between the two countries have been rocky for years in part because of U.S. accusations that Syria permits insurgents to cross its territory into Iraq, supports violent Palestinian groups and interferes in neighboring Lebanon.

Mitchell, the U.S. Middle East envoy, on Sunday heads to Oslo, where he was expected to attend a meeting of Palestinian aid donors, and then to see Israeli, Palestinian, Jordanian and Egyptian officials in the region, the State Department said. Asked if Mitchell would visit Damascus, spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters "that is a possibility but the arrangements for that are still being worked."
UN: New Uranium Traces Found in Syria
The U.N nuclear agency on Friday reported its second unexplained find of uranium particles at a Syrian nuclear site, in a probe sparked by suspicions that a remote desert site hit by Israeli warplanes was a nearly finished plutonium producing reactor.
Children Being Used to Carry Out Iraq Attacks

Matchmaker matchmaker make me a match?
Hamassholes playing yenta:
Her application is among 287 from single women in the files of the Tayseer Association for Marriage and Development in Gaza. Photographs stapled to the files show Muslim women in headscarves, some wearing makeup, some smiling, others looking startled.

They all want a husband, and the Hamas loyalists running the association are intent on finding a man for each.Despite its fearsome reputation elsewhere, Hamas is known here for its cradle-to-grave welfare programs for the poor. It is a cornerstone of its political support in Gaza, where poverty is deepening as Israel and Egypt maintain an almost two-year blockade of the Hamas-run territory. Now, the group is branching out into matters of the heart.

"This is our vision of humanitarian work," said Wael Zard, director of the Tayseer association. "This makes people close to Hamas and makes Hamas close to the people."

A former Israeli education minister has accused Condi & Tzipi of getting it on:
Wouldn't surprise me a bit, they both strike me as dykes, but the Russian tabloids have maintained for years Condi has a woman in Moscow. A girl in every port?
Limor Livnat, who is an Israeli Knesset (parliament) member, has told Benjamin Netanyahu that Condoleezza Rice and Tzipi Livni have sexual affairs.
Meanwhile, an American newspaper has quoted Rice as saying that she is a lesbian and has bought her partner an apartment in New York in order to engage in sexual conduct. My partner has never had a relationship with a man, Rice said.
The unfolding Obama drama
The Obama administration also avoids any mention of “terrorism” and “vulnerability” in any discussion. A terrorist act will now be called a “manmade disaster” and the “Global War on Terror” will now be called an “Oversees Contingency Operation” by the Obama administration. Instead, they have no problem labeling Conservatives who oppose abortion, favor strict immigration enforcement, support the Second Amendment, protest big government or represents veterans that believe in any of the above as potential “domestic terrorists” that our government should watch.
Just Another Blackberry Bush
President Obama sounded like he was channeling President George W. Bush during his Cairo speech yesterday. Much of the substance of Mr. Obama's address, titled "A New Beginning," sounded like the same old song. One could easily remove the biographical references, redact a few of the sentences that are clearly critical of specific Bush administration policies, and pass it off as old Republican talking points.
Obama administration embraces Bush position on warrantless wiretapping
The Obama administration formally adopted the Bush administration's position that the courts cannot judge the legality of the National Security Agency's (NSA's) warrantless wiretapping program, filing a motion to dismiss Jewel v. NSA.

In Jewel v. NSA, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is challenging the agency's dragnet surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans. The Obama Justice Department claims in its motion that litigation over the wiretapping program would require the government to disclose privileged "state secrets." These are essentially the same arguments made by the Bush administration three years ago in Hepting v. AT&T, EFF's lawsuit against one of the telecom giants complicit in the NSA spying.

"President Obama promised the American people a new era of transparency, accountability, and respect for civil liberties," said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "But with the Obama Justice Department continuing the Bush administration's cover-up of the National Security Agency's dragnet surveillance of millions of Americans, and insisting that the much-publicized warrantless wiretapping program is still a 'secret' that cannot be reviewed by the courts, it feels like deja vu all over again."

Pastor proposes SBC resolution celebrating Obama's election
A prominent African-American pastor is urging the Southern Baptist Convention to adopt a resolution celebrating the election of President Obama when the denomination meets June 23-24 in Louisville, Ky.
US gives Flight 93 site landowners one week to sell
Dig this:
The Interior Department says that if six holdout families don't agree to deal, it will to use eminent domain to take the land...
WTF kinda shit fascist tribute is that supposed to be for Toddy B & the Let's Rollers?
It's an utter betrayal of their righteous let us roll memories is what it is. You think they would want anyone booted from their land for a big goddamn red crescent shaped "tribute" to a hole in the ground? Tribute to what?
Our new fascist dhimmi land seizing, GM nationalizing, bank robbin' Seizer & the Raytheons Glow Ballin' Oymerika?

Jihad Returns to America
According to a well-informed source, Carlos Leon "Corey" Bledsoe, who changed his name to Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad after he converted to Islam, is from Memphis, Tennessee. He was a student at Tennessee State University, where he majored in business. After becoming a Muslim in 2004 at the age of 19, he quit college and embarked upon a path that ultimately led him to Yemen, where another American convert to Islam, John Walker Lindh, learned Arabic and Islam before moving on to Afghanistan, where he fought alongside the Taliban and Al-Qaeda against American troops before his capture in 2002.

Muhammad went to Yemen hoping to study with a jihadist imam, Yahya Hajoori. It is not clear at this point whether he actually studied directly with Hajoori, or with one of his students. Interestingly enough, he apparently traveled to Yemen on a Somali passport, and was jailed for a time in Yemen for doing so. In light of the recent involvement of Somali immigrants to the United States in the jihad in Somalia, it is significant that Muhammad would have this passport. Apparently this and more about Muhammad did not escape the notice of American law enforcement officials: when he returned to the U.S. from Yemen, the Joint Terrorism Task Force began to investigate him. Unfortunately, he appears to have been able to stay at least one step ahead of investigators.

Al Qaeda eyes bio attack from Mexico
Seeks white militias as allies...
All evil meets thrice daily at Jew Hate Junction!
U.S. counterterrorism officials have authenticated a video by an al Qaeda recruiter threatening to smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border, the latest sign of the terrorist group's determination to stage another mass-casualty attack on the U.S. homeland.
White House Video Features Muslim Proselytizers
Just after President Obama's Cairo speech ended, I clicked on the White House Web site. The home page, and especially its compelling large image, appeared to visually suggest the America that Obama has been describing recently -- a country that is not a Christian nation, nor a Jewish nation, not even a pluralistic nation, but "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world."

The large close-up photograph that dominated the home page was of a covered woman, Afeefa Syeed, Senior Advisor for Culture and Development with the Middle East and Asia Bureaus at USAID (United States Agency for International Development). Syeed is one of the three "Muslim Americans serving in the U.S. government" that was featured in a White House-produced video prominently linked from the White House home page, and later hosted at a URL at the White House video area at YouTube linked from a White House blog post by Jesse Lee.
Christian Beheads Muslim' Drama Backed By BBC Trust
The BBC Trust has rejected complaints against a TV drama that showed a fanatical British Christian beheading a moderate Muslim. The offending episode of "Bonekickers" was aired in July last year and sparked fresh claims of anti-Christian bias at the BBC.

The BBC Trust, a group of "independent trustees acting in the public interest", rejected suggestions that the drama associated fanatical Christianity with evangelicalism and gave an offensive portrayal of evangelical Christians.

Daily Telegraph writer, Damian Thompson, said: "We are deep into the realms of BBC bias and ignorance here. "Only a BBC drama series would, to quote the complainant, 'transfer the practice of terrorist beheadings from Islamist radicals to a fantasised group of fundamentalist Christians'."

When the show was broadcast a TV reviewer for the Observer said: "it wasn't the absurdity of the storyline that buried Bonekickers so much as the BBC's paint-by-numbers version of political correctness."
Hitler as management guru in India:
An article in London's Daily Telegraph last month reported that sales of Mein Kampf 'are soaring in India where business students regard the genocidal dictator (Hitler) as a management guru' and consider the book to be a 'management guide.'

"Anyone seeking to teach tomorrow's business leaders of India should reject globalisation of hate and racism, not facilitating it," said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, a leading Jewish NGO at the United Nations.

"Using Mein Kampf as a self-improvement and strategy guide for India's young is an outrage that dishonours six million Jews murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust and millions of other victims of Adolf Hitler's murderous Third Reich. Honouring and promoting Hitler's white racist ideology mocks the values of the world's largest democracy, and flies in the face of India's noble history of protecting minority peoples, Jews among them" he added.
India is now flooded with $1 billion per week
That Hitler must be one hell of a management guru!
After six months of financial drought, global money is flooding into India at the rate of $1 billion a week. If sustained, this will be the mother of all financial stimuli, eclipsing the finance minister's budgetary endeavours.

The dollar flood is not due to the Congress election victory. In April, foreign institution investors (FIIs) poured $1.3 billion into Indian equities. They poured another $1.87 billion in the first half of May - before the election result. For May as a whole, the inflow was $4.14 billion, or a billion a week.

This is part of a global phenomenon. Since April, $20 billion has flooded into all emerging markets. The Sensex is up 50% in 2009. But Russia is also up 63%, China 57%, Brazil 60%, and Argentina 45%. So, the dollar flood is not India-specific: it is part of a global rush into all emerging markets, especially the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China).
Treasuries Tumble as Jobs Report Renews Fed Rate Speculation

Regulators Push for Change at Two Troubled Big Banks
One by one, allies of Kenneth D. Lewis, the embattled leader of Bank of America, are bowing to pressure from the Federal Reserve and leaving the board. The bank named four new directors with financial experience on Friday, a shake-up that could further weaken the hold of Mr. Lewis on the company. More board changes are expected.

On the same day at Citigroup, anxious executives moved to quell talk that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was pushing to replace the chief executive, Vikram S. Pandit. Citigroup’s board discussed how to cope with the situation in a series of meetings this week.
Four outside directors elected to BOFA board
Maybe they can get Dhimmah Carter to certify this bullshit banana republic style "election" too. Toto.... are we in Zimbabwe? Beirut?

Citi capital raising hit by FDIC threat

The Nine State Approved Banks Revealed
The current pay limits required legal clarification after Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) crafted new provisions and quietly attached them to the economic stimulus legislation just before President Obama signed it into law in February.

The senator's new rules, which limit bonuses to one-third of an individual's base salary, trumped those in the $700 billion financial-rescue legislation passed in October. Administration attorneys have now been left with the task of reconciling Dodd's rules with earlier guidelines and explaining to firms how to apply the requirements. The pay limits would not apply to firms that return their bailout funds.


Regulators found that nine of the firms had enough reserves: J.P. Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, American Express, BB&T, U.S. Bancorp, State Street, Bank of New York Mellon, Capitol One Financial and MetLife, which was the only firm that had not previously taken federal aid. Many of these firms have since raised money beyond what the Fed required. Analysts said that another bank, Morgan Stanley, was found by regulators to need capital but has since raised more than it needed and may also be allowed to repay its money soon.
SEC charges former Countrywide CEO
for "misleading investors about the credit risks the company took to increase its market share"
Well, based on that charge all of them should be locked up...
up to and including this sham wow president and the last three behind him too.
Whatta freakin' sideshow.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has charged former Countrywide Financial Corp. Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo and two others with securities fraud.

Bank of America Corp. (NYSE: BAC) bought Countrywide in July for about $2.5 billion. The deal made the Charlotte, N.C.-based bank the country’s largest mortgage lender. SEC regulators accuse Mozilo and two other former executives of misleading investors about the credit risks the company took to increase its market share.

The SEC alleges Mozilo, former Chief Operating Officer David Sambol and former Chief Financial Officer Eric Sieracki falsely assured investors that Countrywide was primarily a prime-quality mortgage lender that had avoided underwriting risky loans. The charges stem actions in from 2005 to 2007.

US Airlines Fall As JPMorgan Downgrades UAL On Cash Strength
Coming soon: The nationalization of the aerospace / tech industries
Tick tick tick

Credit card firms make money on all

Penske takes Saturn

Chrysler Appeals Court Won't Block Asset Sale to Fiat
Chrysler LLC creditors lost an appeals court bid to block the carmaker's sale of its best assets to a group led by Italy's Fiat SpA and plan to appeal the decision to the US Supreme Court.
Dealers Fight Chrysler Franchise Cuts in Court

What Would Mao Drive? A Little Red ... Hummer
If you go carryin' pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow...

Slain abortion doctor eulogized as generous
I have no words for this that are acceptable even on my front page.

The proposed sale of two Colorado hospitals to a Catholic health organization has been rejected by an arbitrator:
For a very non arbitrary reason:
The binding decision issued Friday prevents Kansas-based Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Health System from paying $311 million to acquire Exempla Lutheran Hospital in Wheat Ridge and Exempla Good Samaritan Medical Center in Lafayette.

The proposed sale has been controversial because the Catholic system's control of the nonsectarian hospitals could stop the offering of abortions, sterilization and other birth-control services.

Lutheran and Good Samaritan are currently co-owned by Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth and the Arvada- based Community First Foundation.
Sotomayor's 'wise Latina' comment a staple of her speeches
Yeah, I'm a wiseass Jewtian. So? Who gives a shit? Go wave your pseudo shamanic Santeria Latina cozmik debris Boriquen queen wand in the face of someone who hasn't heard all that bullshit a thousand times before. Yeah that's right, I'm from the Bronx too.

The People's Republic of Massachusetts:
Gay Marriage Supporters Rally at Statehouse

HIV up among gays and bisexuals
In other news: When it rains, you get wet.

Disdain for US Policies May Have Led to Alleged Spying for Cuba
Disdain, huh? The copious chaching was a strong convincer as well I am sure.
People pay good money for that treasonous crap.

Private insurance companies push for individual mandate

Q&A with Atlanta's new CDC chief Dr. Frieden
He's only a chief? Not a Czar?
Dude must be on the outs with The Seizer.

AstraZeneca Plc, the most exposed European drugmaker to generic competition, is looking for new medicines as it struggles to beat a sales slump

Read that sentence again please...
AstraZeneca Plc, the most exposed European drugmaker to generic competition, is looking for new medicines as it struggles to beat a sales slump
So basically what that says is the motivating factor or driving force of what they do is not based on curing disease or illness, it is based on the chaching.
Which we knew already....but there it is.

New Diabetes Drugs Flooding Into Pharmacies

World Grain Forum opens in St. Petersburg
My name is called Vlad.
You will come to me when you are cold and hungry.
You will see.

Russia calls for action to stabilize grain prices

Russia eyes Asia Pacific grain market

Gazprom eyes takeover of Slovenia's fuel retailer

StatoilHydro, Gazprom take joint steps in Arctic

Here's an interesting tidbit from the Wall Street Journal:

Vladimir Putin is used to taking flak from rivals in the former Soviet Union. Now he has to deal with opposition from a more unlikely location: Greenwich, Conn.

Two months ago the Wall Street Journal reported that a subsidiary of Russia's OAO United Aircraft had defaulted on its first payment toward $250 million of bonds. Despite personal appeals from the bondholders to some of Moscow's most powerful bureaucrats, no resolution was reached.

Before pursuing a protracted--and potentially futile - legal battle, noteholders appealed to Russia's most influential man, the former president and current prime minister.

"A problem of such magnitude needs resolution and will not simply go away," reads the letter on behalf of the bondholders from Randall Pike, president of Greenwich, Conn., investment bank BCP Securities. "Since Russia has made great strides under your leadership, we appeal directly to you."

These bondholders are unlikely to disappear like an inconvenient journalist...

China, Turkmenistan seal $3 billion energy loan

Investigators believe model rocket buzzed jet
Not Igor's Flying Balls? awww.

Nine Police Killed in Peru Oil Protest
At least nine Peruvian police officers were killed Saturday as soldiers stormed an oil pumping station in the Amazon where indigenous Peruvian protesters were holding police hostage, the country's defense minister said.

The deaths brought to 20 the number of police killed--some with spears--since security forces moved early Friday to break up a roadblock by indigenous Peruvians who oppose government moves to exploit oil and gas and other resources on their lands.

Protest leaders said at least 25 indigenous people, including three children, died in the clashes. Authorities confirmed only five civilian deaths, but said 109 people were injured.

The political violence is the Andean country's worst since the Shining Path insurgency was quelled more than a decade ago, and it bodes ill for President Alan Garcia's ambitious plans to boost Peru's oil and gas output.

Peru clashes leave 31 dead

Scientists eye glowing volcano crater in Hawaii
They are eyeing it? Well good for them!
Productive. It ain't like they can stop it or anything....
even though they think they are GOD


5.4 Indonesia's East Nusa Tenggara