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Friday, August 15, 2008

Missing Links vs King Nothing


hat tip loppyd

Breaking: "US Missiles in Poland won't go unpunished"
BREAKING NEWS — An agreement that will allow the United States to install a missile defense battery in Poland exposes the ex-communist nation to an attack, a Russian general said Friday.


These moves by the Soviets and the Chicoms were being telegraphed to us openly LAST YEAR ....

See my posts from last year on this here here and here
The fact that we did nothing and let this all happen telegraphs COMPLICITY to me and you can call me crazy all you want.
Every time you call me crazy, an angel gets his wings, ya MFers.

Recruiting Israeli Arabs for Terror

U.S., Libya deal closes book on Lockerbie - FOR THEM

RIP James Hoyt
James Hoyt delivered mail in rural Iowa for more than 30 years. Yet Hoyt had long kept a secret from most of those who knew him best: He was one of the four U.S. soldiers to first see Germany's Buchenwald concentration camp.

Thug hugging caliphellating CNN twat has tea with terrorists, blindfolded

One masked man brings me a chair and a heavily sugared tea so I can watch target and hostage-taking practice in comfort. It is horribly surreal.

One fighter tells me he will never let his son fire a gun. He says he fights only to make a better future for his family. But he's wearing a balaclava, with a rocket-propelled grenade over his shoulder and vowing to destroy any Israeli who enters Gaza. I struggle to marry the two.

Struggle on, bitch.

Covenant and the American Founding

Iranian interior minister's fake Oxford diploma

Georgian minister: Israel has sold us out

Musharraf Resigning

Jerome Corsi is a troofer

Meantime what he says about the coming NAU is true, and now this crap will make him look insane all around. Idiot. Ya gotta GLEAN mah ferals GLEAN, like Ruth in the field. NO ONE is telling us the whole truth.... no one. You down with SPP? ...which is why our borders have not been closed and why they will remain open.

PRAVDA: Serbian foreign minister flies to NY, questions Kosovo's independence

PRAVDA: US must choose

UN bans criticism of Islam, Sharia, Human Rights

Future Wars to be Fought with "Mind Drugs"

French "peace plan" slammed

"We feel that, in the documents presented last night both in Moscow and in Tbilisi, the principal element, the respect of the territorial integrity of Georgia, is missing," Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus said, reading a joint statement alongside the leaders of Poland, Latvia and Estonia.

The statement underlined their "full support for the territorial integrity of Georgia within internationally-recognised borders."

He's the Noam Chomsky loving coward who joined the Army so they would pay for his college then deserted when he was
called up to deploy to Iraq.
See you Sept 23 asshole.
~ Teeny Spleeny, Miss Head Loppy Dee

The Russian-Georgian War: Implications for the Middle East

NEVER FORGET! That is the purpose of EVERY Holocaust museum. Teach people the whole disgusting naked truth, and just maybe you can prevent something like this from ever happening again. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is supposed to be the nation’s leading educational institution on the Holocaust. This institution has found a way to "whitewash" the Shoah as it relates to the Arabs who participated in the "final solution. The museum has posted on its website a biography of the Holocaust-era Mufti of Jerusalem which calls the Mufti a "moderate voice for peace" when in actuality he spent most of the WWII in Berlin, working WITH Hitler.

How many times have I told you not to count her Royal Thighness out till inauguration day?

Joe Lieberman going to Georgia
What he has to say I will pay attention to. He may be the last righteous man left in the Senate

Queen Condi of the Amalekites going to Georgia to support another bullshit peace plan

Meantime if what she does in Israel these last 4 years is any indication we have now just fucked the Georgians completely.


GLICK: Russia has won

Gregorian : Santiago de Compostela

cover ~ Metallica's Nothing Else Matters