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Friday, June 8, 2007

GWB: Duplicitous Republiwhore of the Caliphate?

Congress to Bush: Move the Embassy to Jerusalem

The Lekarev Report
June 6, 2007

The U.S. House of Representatives yesterday unanimously passed a resolution calling on President George W. Bush to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, this on the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War.

The Senate is expected to approve a similar motion later in the day.
However, the Clinton and Bush administrations have refrained from moving the embassy for fear of riots against American embassies in Arab countries and a possible decline in the US's status.In the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 Congress determined that Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel and that the U.S. Embassy should be established there no later than May 31, 1999.

"The House congratulates the citizens of Israel on the 40th anniversary of the Six Day War in which Israel defeated enemies aiming to destroy the Jewish State. Jerusalem has been the focal point of Jewish religious devotion and the site of a continuous Jewish presence for over three millennia, with a Jewish majority since at least 1896," the resolution said. "The vibrant Jewish population of the historic Old City of Jerusalem was driven out by force during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. In six days of war, Israel defeated those forces seeking its destruction and reunited the city of Jerusalem which had been artificially divided for 19 years." Knowing how difficult it is to get politicians to agree on anything, it is noteworthy that the House of Representatives, which has some 500+ members, passed a UNANIMOUS vote on this issue. It would be great if President Bush complied but I'm not holding my breath. As noted above, this was originally passed several years ago and we're still waiting for its implementation. This new bill is designed to strengthen previous votes for the moving of the Embassy. We can only hope that this one will produce the desired effect. Four years ago, I was shown the plot of land in Jerusalem where the new Embassy is to be built. It still stands empty.


Big problems here with my internet connectivity. The tech will not be here till Sunday. I can only get on the internet for 2-10 minutes at time and very infrequently.
If I disappear till Monday, this is why!

I will be back as soon and as often as possible.... apologies for the lack of posts. I actually feel guilty! IT'S A CONSPIRACY! ;~}