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Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Pink Swastika


It was a quiet night in Munich. The people moving along the streets in the heart of the city were grim. They walked heads down, hands pall in the evening air; it was etched on the faces of the out-of-work soldiers deep in the pockets of their frayed coats. All around, the spirit of defeat hung like aon every street corner and in every café. Germany had been defeated in the war, but it had been crushed by the terms of the Versailles Treaty. Everywhere the people were still mired in depression and despair, several years after the humiliating surrender of Kaiser Wilhelm.

In this atmosphere the purposeful stride of Captain Ernst Roehm seemed out of place. But Roehm was accustomed to being different. A homosexual with a taste for boys, Roehm was part of a growing subculture in Germany which fancie
d itself a superior form of German manhood. A large, heavy man, Roehm had been a professional soldier since 1906, and, after the war, had temporarily lent his talents to a socialist terror organization called the Iron Fist. On this night Roehm was on his way to meet some associate who had formed a much more powerful socialist organization.

At the door of the Bratwurstgloeckl, a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks and bully-boys, Roehm turned in and joined the handful of sexual deviants and occultists who were celebrating the success of a new campaign of terror. Their organization,
once known as the German Worker’s Party, was now called the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, The National Socialist German Worker’s Party — the Nazis.


Complete E-Book Here


  1. Thanks Biby - I'm working on it !

  2. Yo, can't figure out how to do the link thing in the comments yet,
    but check out this pic of Goering in his big blouse!

  3. LOL!
    Avaste Ye Herr Von Pirate!

  4. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Flowers fer Babba

    ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ

  5. Hello BabbaZee

    The website looks pretty great.

    If you are looking for ideas, maybe a side bar section of music with Hatikva - Yerushalayim Shel Zahav and those ones you sent me a while ago. I still have the links if needed.

    Godspeed, Yank

    See you on LGF

  6. Hey Babba! Blog is looking better and better each day (and it started out damn nice to begin with!).
    Don't really have much to add to your post on these Pink Nazi's, just that those who are,um, authoritatively driven (?!) often seem to me to be confused about or use sexuality for something other than just sex. And they don't seem to wander too far from whatever path(s) they've chosen or had imposed upon them.
    And I believe the sexuality or lack thereof is more an outshoot of their drive for dominance than the drive for dominance is a result of their sexualtiy.
    Anyway, keep up this great blog, but please don't be a stranger over on LGF!!

  7. Thanks Guys!

    Still setting this thing up....

  8. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Since Charles took away my ability to login at LGF I'll have to taunt you here:

  9. Lizards are Clam in the Face of Stan!

  10. So, was Hitler a 'top' or a 'bottom'?

  11. I'd suspected this for some time, Eva Braun notwithstanding...

    Then stumbled on Pink Swastika elsewhere in researching background for a screenplay I was working on with a man who was 14 during the Fall of Berlin...

    More importantly for here and now, BabbaZee, is the Throbbing Crimson Crinellated Crescent! The 'male-bonding' and homoeroticism of the violently twisted Muslim-Arab world... so EXPLICITLY based on Nazi patterns...

    Although not exactly 'new', the Muslims leverage it almost as well as Schickelgruber!

  12. Urban Infield: my guess is that Hitler was a catcher, NOT a pitcher...

    Couldn't pitch, he only had ONE ball.

  13. Karridine - ha, once I wrote a short story about a man remembering being that age during the Volkstrum period near the end of the war

  14. Zee, that's quite a coincidence...
    This gentleman is 78/79, and found (discovered among his packed 'stuff') his handwritten Diary from that time...

    12 and 13 and just 14 when the 300-mile long clouds of Allied bombers started raining payback on Berlin...

    Then, 2 days after the Soviets arrive, he wanders through the quiet Berlin, finds the Reichschancellory with a Soviet tank crashed through the stairs and into the basement...

    ...and chips off a piece of the Italian marble from the hallway connecting two wings... HIS way of saying, "I lived!"

    /his mother died of starvation two months later, his father was drafted by the Soviets, never to return... he got out in 1951

  15. Your Bahainess~

    It has eerie similarities to my own story.


  16. Well Z, there WERE a couple thousand kids who were witness to that insane time, and lived to write about it.

    There SHOULD be several parallels... but the truth is, I cheated, and watched over your shoulder while hovering in the ether!

    Hey, good post on Pink Swastika!
